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Cannot downloaded Sundisk Connect flash drive icon invisible

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iPF Noob
I just downloaded the "Sandisk Connect Wireless Flash Drive App" in iTunes, but now cannot find/ see this downloaded flash drive icon on my iPad4. It only shows up as downloaded in iTunes.
Is that the way it works with iPad? Normally, every download need to be installed and then shows up as icon, but this one... ??
My Sandisk Connect flash stick hardware is still in the post, that's why I cannot test it if it works. You might know more about how it works. Thank you in advance for your good advice.
Kind Regards, young pensioner (74) Joh from Chile :)
Does it show up in the usage list when you go to Settings>General>Usage>Manage Storage and scroll down the list of installed apps? Maybe it's hiding in a folder? To find out swipe down from the upper half of the home screen to bring up Spotlight Search, then do a search for the app. If found, it will tell you which folder, if any, it's hiding in.
Greetings scifan57,
Thx for your kick... :) Yes you are right, it should be there!! - I also clicked "Show all Apps", but could not see any App referring to "Scandisk Connect". That means it has neither been downloaded nor installed.
This is how I d/l it: I opened my installed iTunes Store App, then clicked on the "Sandisk Connect Wireless Flash Drive App". I then had to fill in ID & PW and then it said "downloading"... yet then I couldn't see where to it was downloading it.
Hell, I have so much trouble with Apple marketing problems. I really don't know how to download this App!
With my old Samsung GALAXY TAB 2 10.1 I have non-of these problems. The only good thing on this iPad is its nicer display, sounds, longer battery time etc. but its OS truly lags far behind the advantages of Android OS.
So, I had to help myself, in that I installed Cydia, A Piracy App, A Piracy App etc.
This liberated me somewhat from Apple marketing pressure and now that this Sundisk WiFi stick is going to liberate me even from PC and Cloud storage dependence... I started to like my iPad!! Would you know of several other helpful independent Store Apps, which offer lots of good free Apps, which I could d/l under the Cydia umbrella?

Moderation notice: This post has been edited by the iPadForums staff in accordance with the Forum Rules.
Removed Piracy References
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The only advice we can give you is to get rid of the piracy related apps you've installed on your iPad. They're probably what are causing your problems.

iPad Forums in no way supports piracy and the theft of paid content.

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