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Cannot send mail - rejected by server

I am running into a problem sending emails from my mail account on my ipad. I can receive, but not send.

The account settings are correct, or I should say they match what is on my iphone (and they work on the iphone). I've gone to "advanced" under mail settings and changed the port to 110 and 25 (per other help forums), but neither works. The current setting is 995.

It's a pop account and the ISP is 1and1.com.

Suggestions? Who to contact? 1and1? Thanks so much!
Are you sending mail using WiFi or 3G? This is important because of the so-called 'Port 25 relay' problem. If you're sending from a 'foreign' WiFi network, then almost certainly your service provider will reject the email and you'll have to switch from Port 25 SMTP to SSL and port 465 or 995. You say you've switched to 995 but you don't mention SSL.

Thanks Tim. I am having trouble sending w/wifi - using a home connection. I've not tried it w/3G yet, as I just got the iPad yesterday.

As far as SSL, if I know what I'm talking about (which is questionable), in settings it is turned to 'on.'

Based on that info., any suggestions? Much appreciated.
OK - so if you've got SSL turned on (and I'm assumed your email service provider supports SSL, which - I guess - they must if the settings are the same as on your iPhone) and you've got your account name (email address) and password entered, just check one thing. The iPad defaults to setting the first letter of a word that it considers to be the first word of a new sentence to upper case. So, if the first letter of your password is lower case, check the iPad is not 'inadvertently' setting it to upper case.

Thanks for the reply. My password begins with a number, which I guess could have been shifted to caps, but I am not able to access the password entry screen anymore. It simply says "Authentication/Password" and when you click on 'password' it takes you options for authenticating vs. entering the password, which I guess you only do once?

So frustrated. Are the iphone and ipad so different that the same settings don't work on each?
OK - 'holding' post (because I'm running out of ideas!...:( ).

Try entering the email details again as a second 'duplicate' account and see if that fixes the problem. Several Members have found this can - unexpectedly - fix various email problems.

Thanks. User error could be involved somewhere along the way, although I had help setting it up at the apple store. Will try. Crossing everything that it works! :)

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