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Can't Backup my iPad


iPF Novice
Every time I try to back up my iPad Pro running iOS 10.0.1 (but same problem under previous iOS) iTunes tells me I don't have enough space. I have tried changing the backup target to an external hard drive with almost a terabyte of free space, but I get the same error.

Can anyone help?
Every time I try to back up my iPad Pro running iOS 10.0.1 (but same problem under previous iOS) iTunes tells me I don't have enough space. I have tried changing the backup target to an external hard drive with almost a terabyte of free space, but I get the same error.

Hello Tuttle - not sure that I can be of much help, but please tell us whether you using a Mac or PC computer and what OS is running on your machine - likely makes a difference as to potential solutions of your backup problem(s).

For myself, I have Mac computers, so some of my thoughts may be of no use if your on a PC, sorry. How much free storage do you have left on your computer - I'm assuming that is really not an issue? Also, how many iDevices are being 'backed up' to this computer? If you're on a Mac (if a PC then you'll have to google), the backups are kept in your 'user library' (see that attached image - I've 'drilled down' through my user library to where the backups for my iPad Air 2 are kept - seems to be just two) - how many folders are in that location which might be a consideration.

Also, in trying to save your backup to an external HD, are you sure that iTunes was doing the procedure correctly and not just reporting the 'lack of space' from your computer's drive? I just say that because in reviewing this osXDaily Article, there appear to be a LOT of steps in setting up an external drive at least in OS X.

Finally, are you also backing up your iDevice to the cloud? I use iCloud as my main 'daily' backup and then about once a week will also do a backup to my laptop. Dave :)
Screen Shot 2016-09-23 at 1.25.39 PM.webp
Hello Tuttle - not sure that I can be of much help, but please tell us whether you using a Mac or PC computer and what OS is running on your machine - likely makes a difference as to potential solutions of your backup problem(s).

For myself, I have Mac computers, so some of my thoughts may be of no use if your on a PC, sorry. How much free storage do you have left on your computer - I'm assuming that is really not an issue? Also, how many iDevices are being 'backed up' to this computer? If you're on a Mac (if a PC then you'll have to google), the backups are kept in your 'user library' (see that attached image - I've 'drilled down' through my user library to where the backups for my iPad Air 2 are kept - seems to be just two) - how many folders are in that location which might be a consideration.

Also, in trying to save your backup to an external HD, are you sure that iTunes was doing the procedure correctly and not just reporting the 'lack of space' from your computer's drive? I just say that because in reviewing this osXDaily Article, there appear to be a LOT of steps in setting up an external drive at least in OS X.

Finally, are you also backing up your iDevice to the cloud? I use iCloud as my main 'daily' backup and then about once a week will also do a backup to my laptop. Dave :)
View attachment 73970

Thanks so much, Dave. Great info. I am running a Mac mini under Yosemite (OS 10.10.5). Well, I have thus far avoided learning much about iTunes. I don't want to use it for music, just to back up my i-devices. But it looks like I am going to have to roll up my sleeves and dig in! On my setup: I simply changed the "iTunes media location" in "preferences, Advanced." Clearly I have to do a lot more. But I was already getting the "not enough space" warning in the default location---on the mac.

Oh, and I will have a look at which devices I have backed up. I and my family have purchased quite a number of i-devices over the years and all their backups are probably still there.

Thanks again!
Last time I checked, changing the iTunes media location has no effect on the location of the backups. They will be on the system drive, always. If your system drive is full you'll need to make some space to do backups on the computer.

FWI: Backups on the computer usually take more space than they do in iCloud.
Last time I checked, changing the iTunes media location has no effect on the location of the backups. They will be on the system drive, always. If your system drive is full you'll need to make some space to do backups on the computer.

FWI: Backups on the computer usually take more space than they do in iCloud.

@ Tuttle - well, I was just about to reply but TP already provided an answer to one of the issues, i.e. if you went into the 'Advanced' settings of iTunes 'Preferences' and changed the 'iTunes Media Folder' (see my screen capture below), that determines 'where' your music is stored and not your iDevice backups - just to confirm the previous post.

SO, take a look at the Finder location that I showed previously to see 'how many' backup folders are there - that could be your issue and will need to be trimmed down in some fashion - let us know. Dave :)
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Tuttle - let me expand on the issue of whether TOO MANY backups are present on your computer, possibly contributing to your problem(s) - first, checkout this Apple Support Article discussing iDevice backup location and how to 'find, copy, and delete' backups, as desired.

Second, to illustrate what is discussed in the link, see the screen capture below w/ my iPad Air 2 cabled to my MBPro - iTunes Preferences is opened and 'Devices' has been selected - I have just two devices backed up to this laptop (and just 2 backup folders as shown in one of my previous posts) - SO, w/ the information from the link and the visual below, you should be able to determine if backup number is your issue. Good luck - Dave :)
Screen Shot 2016-09-24 at 1.55.25 AM.webp
Yep, that was it! I had backups all over the place, all but a couple out of date. Trashed them and backup works like a charm.

Really appreciate you guys helping out! The info seems so valuable to me I am going to store it offline. Could be the moderators might consider "stickifying it!?"

Thanks so much for the help.

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