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cant boot tethered. How to bring back ipad to live

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iPF Noob
Hi guys,

i'm having big troubles with my ipad 1. My ipad with iOS 5 is jailbreaked using redsn0w. Since the jailbreak is available not untethered, i have to boot it using redsn0w if my ipad rebioots.

Yesterday, i updated something in Cydia,
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also something else, but don't remember exactly. It was suggested at available updates section. After update, my ipads screen got black with circle spining in the middle (loading) and it got stuck. Turned off ipad by pressing Home + lock buttons and started again in recover mode and booting tethered with redsn0w. After redsn0w shows that uploading files finished, in ipad screen i can see pineapple appears and after 5minutes it disappears and starts rotating loading circle in the midle and it stucks after few seconds. Nothing else happens. Tries this tethered boot three times, same conclusion. Before this updated package in cydia, boot tethered worked fine.

i could restore my ipad, but i have app named FW, which is for keeping passwords. And i need to get that passwords somehow from it. It's important, because i dont have any backups of them.

So the main issue here is that i need to take back to live my ipad to retrieve those password. Is there any way, i could do that? Or only restoring ipad to default firmware and loosing everything and my passwords?

Thank you for your help and suggestions

Firmware is default iOS 5 and jailbreked with redsn0w_win_0.9.9b4. Tried also to boot tethered with redsn0w_win_0.9.9b8, but also doesnt work
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