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Can't clear cookies or cache, any thoughts


iPF Noob
Ok, I'm new to both my iPad and this forum so if you can bear with me I would appreciate it. I was finally able to download the update weds. Right away I noticed bugs and glitches. Some places said to delete and reinstall any apps. It worked for some but not others. I can live with that for now, what's bothering me a lot is that after surfing the web I go into settings and delete my safari history, cookies and cache. To my surprise when I went back a little later I was still logged in to my igoogle account and some of my other sites had shown I was there.

Anyone else seeing this or have this problem?

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Is anyone else having this problem?

If you are logged in to this site, close safari, go to settings. Click on the safari tab. Clear history, cookies and then cache. Open up safari again. If you are logged out let me know, if not it's why? Thanks.
When you leave safari instead of backing out click on the new page icon so you can view all open tabs. Close out all of them then go to settings and clear cookies....you'll have to log back in when you come back....if you just back out of safari (home key) then it won't clear the cookie
Although it shouldn't make a difference, I did it exactly as you suggested. Still did not clear cookies or cache. Did it clear when you did it?

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