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Cant do a simple 4.3.3 restore


iPF Noob
I currently have a Verizon iPad 2. Something in cydia crashed it and I went to restore but naturally apple ruins everything. I have used Tiny Umbrella to back up my ShSh. I have tried dfu mode. I have tried changing host names to cydia. I have tried running TSS server. I have tried the set hosts to cydia thing. I dont understand why I cant restore my iPad to 4.3.3 while I have the ShSh for it. I keep running into error 3004. I did the cache clear as well. What am I missing? Does someone know something I dont? If you do, please share!
Brian :mad:
hey man i had d same problem you will have to first run tinyumbrella dont launch the server and make sure u uncheck set host to cydia on exit and request shsh from cydia than run ur ipad in dfu mode once in dfu mode run itunes and slect shift plus restore option it will install and if it gives error 1013 thats k dont worry abt it, if u get 1013 error selct ur ipad or iphone from tinnyumbrella and click on exit recovery mode it will keep on asking u to connect to itunes just dont run itunes just use the redsnow 0.9.6rc16 untethered jailbreak and choose only install cydia option just follow the instruction on the jailbreak once it starts installing jailbreak it will hang on green progress bar rite close to the end just press power and home button together and then it should restart and if it doesnt just hold the power button it will power up and there u go ur ipad or iphone will run with a fresh new firmware you will have to coonect it to itunes again to setup for first use
im using an ipad 2 wifi + 3g 4.3.5FW and i cant restore my ipad in its factory setting.. always encounter error 1013, its not jailbroken so i guest i cant downgrade because of the shsh blob.. but still how come the error pops out even if i try to edit the host file?

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