iPF Noob
We are millions to agree with you but Apple wants things done its way and wants Adobe out of it. Apple has always taken pride in the fact that the OS' they make are security tight. So when they saw that Flash leaves users open they went all out to protect systems. But that's the official version. I'm not techy enough to know better...Hey iVan, thanks for the info. No hard feelings. I just though this tech chat forum should focus on solving ipad issues. Maybe i need to dig out my sense of humor sometimes
As a pc user for 20 years, I am very impress by how apple has evolved over the past 15 years. This iPad just totally mesmerizes me. I hope apple will take this flash player thing seriously because without it we are missing a lot on the www.
Flash on iPad won't happen. Just try to deal with that and tell the site owners who'll listen to you to change their sites. :shrug:
Actually apple wants things to be standard. Flash is a proprietary API, and the more of those you throw in the more unstable things become. Notice how everyone now makes browsers that run plugins separately so if they crash you don't lose the browser? That's really for flash, they're just being polite.