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Cant find rented movie on ipad

Also, I have sync'd the iPad and iTunes/PC several times. Have also powered off then powered on the iPad. Still no luck.
Rental movie doesn't transfer to IPAD

I rented a movie from ITUNES. When I sync, my other movies that I purchased transfer to the IPAD but my rented movie does not. I only have the option in ITUNES to either move or delete under the movies/rentals tab. I tried syncing both ways, moving to the IPAD and moving to the ITUNES to no avail. Has anyone else experienced this? what could I be doing wrong? Some of the forums suggest that an HD movie doesn't transfer and you have to watch it on your PC? Please help!
margshea said:
I rented a movie from ITUNES. When I sync, my other movies that I purchased transfer to the IPAD but my rented movie does not. I only have the option in ITUNES to either move or delete under the movies/rentals tab. I tried syncing both ways, moving to the IPAD and moving to the ITUNES to no avail. Has anyone else experienced this? what could I be doing wrong? Some of the forums suggest that an HD movie doesn't transfer and you have to watch it on your PC? Please help!

HD movies can be transferred to an iPad. But not the other way, it is impossible to transfer a rental from an iOS device onto a PC.

Anyway, when you say you sync, have you checked the rental in iTunes under the movies tab?

FYI, a rental can only exist once at a time, so you can't have it on more then one device, syncing will delete it from the source, usually PC.
Rented Movies on IPAD

yes, I have the movie listed under "rentals" on the IPAD, however, there is no check box to include it, only to move it to the IPAD or back to the PC. I've tried syncing the IPAD both ways and to no avail. Where should this "check box" be because I do not see it only a check box to sync movies. Thanks ...
hmmm, I'll have to look at this again as there is no "tick" mark for rentals that I can see, but maybe I have overlooked it. thanks
I'm having the same problem. I rented a movie through iTunes on the PC, then transferred it to th iPad using the "move" function. I hit apply and watched it move the moview from PC to iPad. This is the first time I've put any movies or video on the iPad. When I open the video app, it tells me "No Videos." I have done this several times, made sure the iPad software was updated to latest version 4.3.2, turned the Ipad off and back on - nothing works.

This is EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING, and a huge waste of time. I have now spent the better part of 6 hours on this process. I love the iPad, but this is starting to change my attitude. Any new suggestions are welcome. Please help!
I too, have gone through downloading a rented movie to iTunes and then transferring ti to the iPad. When I open the Videos app, it says "No movies." I don't even get the buttons for movies, tv shows, rental.

I tried renting directly to the iPad, but everytime I select a movie from iTunes, the buttons for Purchase and Rent appear disabled. Nothing happens when I tap them.

All I want to do is get a movie on the iPad to watch on an upcoming long flight. I love nearly everything else about the iPad, but thiis just shouldn't be this hard!
how I solved it

what caused my problem was that I had 'restrictions' on. Under 'Settings', check the 'Restrictions' to see if you have TV Shows or Movies filtered by rating. Once, I turned the restrictions off, I got all my movies.
YES! It was in RESTRICTIONS! There was a restriction to not allow movies. I changed it to allow all movies, and everything showed up. Thank you very much!
We may be talking about the same thing here but I was extremely frustrated with trying to take two rented movies to my IPad 2. I'm nearly a total newbie and check here often for my gotchas.

BTW, my "Restrictions" was OFF (having read through this thread several times, I checked that first).

All I did to transfer the movies--and I did this because nothing else seemed to work and I was convinced it was so simple I was overlooking it--was to grab the movie icon on my PC in iTunes and DRAG IT DOWN TO 'Cynthia's iPad' (on my PC) AT WHICH POINT IT IMMEDIATELY MOVED IT TO THE IPAD (in seconds) and removed it from my PC. <Poof. Sound of trumpets>

At that point, in my "Videos" screen on the iPad, a RENTALS tab magically appeared to the left of TV PROGRAMMES and PODCASTS. Couldn't be easier--but it certainly didn't seem so for the first hour of fiddling with it!

Hope this helps some other lost soul. :-)
Newbie with question. I have read the threads but no help. I have rented movies thru I tunes and they are in the rental tab ion my but I cannot move them, there is no move tab? Saw the thread about restrictions but where do I find that? Any help would be great
You need to connect the iPad to the computer and select it in iTunes. Once there select Movies or TV Shows from the top of the page. (depending on what you rented). The rented shows should show up there with the option to move them to the iPad.

Note: Doing this from memory, since I have no rented shows to look at. Details may be wrong, but the general idea should work.
jwilder, in the post just above yours I explained how I did it (also a newbie). On your PC, you can just grab the icon for the rental movie (or tv show) and drag it ON YOUR PC, down to the "jwilder's ipad" (or whatever you call it) in your iTunes on your PC. That will create a rental tab as it transfers the rental movie to your iPad. When I did this I think there was also a message that popped up on the pc that told me I could have the rental (a movie) in both places. So as it appeared on the iPad, it disappeared on my PC. As I said in my post, it was so easy I was astonished. And it was instantaneous (more or less). Good luck!

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