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Can't get iTunes to recognize and synch ipad 1


iPF Noob
Having trouble getting iTunes on my Windows 7 PC to recognize my iPad 1. It shows up in my computer, but not the iTunes. Tried Recovery just to see and iTunes would recognize it as an iPad in recovery, but the iPad got stuck in Recovery loop. Had to use TinyUmbrella to kick it out of recovery. Still having the same connection issue. Apple site isn't helping and not really wanting to pay for advice that someone here is willing to share. I have the latest iTunes version, newest version of iOs for the iPad, so not sure what else to do. Adjusting firewall settings didn't help either.

Thanks for the help.

Has it ever been recognized by iTunes? As in, this just start or is this from the very beginning.

Cause I can think of no reason why iTunes won't see it. Maybe try another USB port? Or, try reversing whatever you're doing - plug in the iPad and then start iTunes -or- have iTunes running and then plus in the iPad.

It's very odd behavior, TBH. I have a Windows 7 PC and it has zero trouble "seeing" the iPad. It shows up in the left column almost as soon as I plug it in (after a bit of a "load" time...).

I'm thinking this might be worth a call to Apple ... or a visit to the store. Very odd.

Usually this is the fault of Windows and nothing to do with the iPad or iTunes. It often happens if Windows gets confused whilst installing device drivers for the iPad. That is why swapping USB ports sometimes fixes it (Windows will re-install drivers if the device is presented on a new port). It is probably worth digging into the Control Panel and get into the hardware device section and identify the iPad from the list of connected devices. Then remove the driver Windows has installed (you can usually see an option to uninstall the driver). Disconnect the iPad, Reboot Windows, then give Windows the opportunity to reinstall the right driver when you connect the iPad. It is really important that you are patient as it can take 30 seconds or so for driver installation to complete in the background. In my experience it is usually because this process has been previously interrupted that results in this kind of scenario.
Well, got it fixed. Took completely removing, then reinstalling, iTunes. I never have had an issue until today, and I usually synch at least once a week if not more.

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