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Can't review purchasing history in iTunes Store

Charlie V

iPF Noob
Just received my 32g 3G iPad for Christmas. Only problem has been an inability to review my iTunes purchase history. I have followed all the instructions furnished by Apple and always get message "iTunes Store unavailable". Strangely I sometimes am connected to the store following the display of this message. At that point I can see everything that is for sale, but not my purchase history. Most often the "unavailable" message just remains on my screen and nothing further happens. I have no problem going to the store or to apps and purchasing and Apple has no problem sending me a copy of my billing. Has anyone else had problems getting their purchase history? I have seen on the Internet that others have had problems with this on their iPhones, particularly in the past month, but nothing mentioned about iPad problems. Thanks for any input.
The only way to view history is from the Mac or PC in iTunes just select account and sign in and every thing is available. One cannot view history from the iPad or iPhone/ iPod touch
iCloud means you do not need any PC or Mac with your iPad. iTunes purchase history, however, is not available to you if you have no PC or Mac. Apple iTunes fail.
geofan49 said:
iCloud means you do not need any PC or Mac with your iPad. iTunes purchase history, however, is not available to you if you have no PC or Mac. Apple iTunes fail.

Oh, really! This is part of my iTunes purchase history, showing some of the movies in my collection. This screenshot is from my iPhone, no PC required.
This thread is almost 2 years old and things have changed. You no longer need a PC or Mac to view your purchase history.
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