A copy has been placed in your Outbox. The recipient "xxxxxx.xxxxxx@transport.vic.gov.au" was rejected by the server because it does not allow relaying.
A copy has been placed in your Outbox. The recipient "xxxxxx.xxxxxx@transport.vic.gov.au" was rejected by the server because it does not allow relaying.
Check the outbound smtp server selected for the email account returning this message. If there is more than one server listed when you look make sure the one for the problem mail provider is checked. When multiple email account are configured to your iPad several outbound servers will be listed. If for some reason the incorrect one is checked for a particular provider this error can be generated.
See provided screen shot for example of correct selection for the Comcast email account on an iPad configured for both Comcast and gmail accounts.
There are other causes for this message so post back if your problem persists.