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Can't sync my new iPad


iPF Noob
OK so I got a brand new iPad. I opened iTunes (which is already synced with my iPhone 4S) and plugged the iPad in. The iPad says "Not Charging" but as I understand it, that's not unusual.

The iPad appears under "devices" on the left hand side of my computer screen, but when I click on it nothing happens. The iTunes main screen is just a big blank white sheet with the words "iPad" in the middle, but there are no options to sync or anything like that. If I right-click on the iPad under devices the only option it gives me is "Eject". Needless to say, the iPad comes with absolutely no instruction manual or anything like that. I'm not the most computer literate person in the world but I thought these devices were supposed to be easy to use for the computer illiterate like me.

Does anyone recognize this problem and if so provide a bit of advice?
I assume your iPad is running iOS 5, if so your iTunes version should be at 10.5, if not you shoud do an update and see if that helps
My iTunes is running I can't do any sort of update on the iPad since there is no way to do so. The only option I get is "Eject".
BTW here's what the iTunes screen looks like.

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I called Apple Help and, after about an hour, got a solution. I am posting the solution here in case anyone should ever have the same problem and they discover this thread from a google search or something like that.

The problem is my network card, Bigfoot Networks Killer Network Manager. There is some sort of compatability issue which can affect not just the iPad but the iTunes store as well (even if you don't have an iPad, although I wasn't experiencing that particular problem). The solution was to open an MS-DOS prompt (run as administrator) and type in the following line of code:

netsh winsock reset

Whatever that reset code did got my iPad to sync properly.
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Thank you for posting this, it may very well help someone else!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
THANKS BriGuy! This has been a huge help, hopefully all the others out there with this issue stumble on this forum too! "netsh winsock reset" haha who woulda knew! Thanks again for posting!

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