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Can't transfer sopcast lite app from old iPad to knew one


iPF Noob
I have an app on my old iPad called sopcast lite which I use to stream sport. I can't get this app on my new iPad. It's not even listed in my purchased apps anymore for me to download from the cloud. I've also tried searching for it in the App Store but it doesn't seem to be there.

It's an app I use a lot but I'm planning on selling my old iPad as I now have a new iPad Air. Now I am going to have to keep the old iPad just to use that app which is rather annoying. Any suggestions?
What you have to do is connect your old iPad to iTunes on your computer. When itunes detects items on your iPad that aren't in your iTunes library, you'll be given the option to transfer purchases. Select to transfer purchases. You'll end up with all the itunes content that was on your iPad also added to your iTunes library, including the sopcast app.

Connect your new iPad to itunes, tap on the apps button at the top of the summary page. From the list of apps in the library, check the sopcast app and tap the sync button. The app will be installed on your new iPad. This is no guarantee that the app will work on your new iPad but it's the only way to install an app that's no longer available in the App Store or your purchased list.
What you have to do is connect your old iPad to iTunes on your computer. When itunes detects items on your iPad that aren't in your iTunes library, you'll be given the option to transfer purchases. Select to transfer purchases. You'll end up with all the itunes content that was on your iPad also added to your iTunes library, including the sopcast app.

Connect your new iPad to itunes, tap on the apps button at the top of the summary page. From the list of apps in the library, check the sopcast app and tap the sync button. The app will be installed on your new iPad. This is no guarantee that the app will work on your new iPad but it's the only way to install an app that's no longer available in the App Store or your purchased list.

Many thanks for the suggestion. Will try it and let you know if it works
If the old app is not compatible with the newer version of iOS it will not appear in the Purchased tab of the App Store when looking from that iPad. If that is the case, it may not install even from iTunes on the computer, and if it does it may not work.

If it also does not appear in the Purchased section of the App Store on the old iPad, then the developer pulled it from the app store, completely.

In any case, it sounds like that app is no longer supported. Their site makes no mention of an iOS app. I'd guess that they were forced to pull it, either by Apple who has little love for P2P (due to it's rampant misuse for pirating and copyright violation) or by Open Source advocates who have been known monitor apps for conflicts between their licenses and the App Store's policies.

The Terms of Service bit on their site suggest the second reason might be the cause.

Anyway, they appear to have web access for the service. You may end up having to use that, through Safari or another browser.

Good luck.
Hi. Not having any joy with this. I've connected my old iPad to my mac and opened itunes but I can't see any option anywhere to transfer purchases. I'm on the main summary page were it just says IOS 7.1.2 and check for update and restore iPad in boxes and then a section on back ups. Is there something else I need to be doing?
Further to that, on the apps tab, it says 39 apps on the top right of the screen but there are only 2 apps showing which are itv player and YouTube. There are a lot more apps than this on the iPad.
Hi. Not having any joy with this. I've connected my old iPad to my mac and opened itunes but I can't see any option anywhere to transfer purchases. I'm on the main summary page were it just says IOS 7.1.2 and check for update and restore iPad in boxes and then a section on back ups. Is there something else I need to be doing?

The transfer purchase option can be gotten to in two way. One is to go into the View menu and Show Sidebar. Then right click on your iPad under Devices in the sidebar and choose the Transfer Purchases option.

The other is to go to the File menu, choose Devices and then Transfer Purchases.

The iPad must be plugged into the computer for either of these methods to show/work.
All done and it works too! Many thanks for your help. It's actually an app for iPhone/iPod but it still works on iPad.
Thanks for letting us know that the recommended solution worked, it may help the next person who wants to transfer a discontinued app to another device.

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