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Can't use mini iPad due to lost password

Did you use this site to reset your password?
Recover Your Apple ID - Apple

Either answer your security questions, or choose to get an email from Apple to reset your iCloud ID's password. If you prefer getting an email, and you didn't receive it, this will help:
If you didn't receive your verification or reset email

If you can't reset the password, you won't be able to use it. Erasing or restoring is not possible.
Hey, I'm just confused that, if the passcode can be removed by entering DFU mode to factory reset iPad?
Hey, I'm just confused that, if the passcode can be removed by entering DFU mode to factory reset iPad?
If you've forgotten the Apple ID password, it's not possible to restore the iPad. The Apple ID password has to be correctly entered before the iPad can be restored.
Yup, there's a problem. Just updated to 10.3.3 and can't log in anywhere two step ver. Is used. Let's hope Apple fixes it soon. Hang in there!
If you've forgotten the Apple ID password, it's not possible to restore the iPad. The Apple ID password has to be correctly entered before the iPad can be restored.
But you can still hard reset you iPad, right? And get into the DFU mode? I just think that if I factory reset my iPad, then I can just get a "new" iPad without any passcode. am I wrong?
But you can still hard reset you iPad, right? And get into the DFU mode? I just think that if I factory reset my iPad, then I can just get a "new" iPad without any passcode. am I wrong?
You’re wrong. Without that Apple ID password, the iPad is an expensive brick unless you can convince Apple you’re the rightful owner of the iPad. Apple may then decide to erase the iPad for you. Original sales receipts are a good way to prove your ownership. The easiest way is if you bought the iPad at an Apple store or the online Apple store where the purchase is registered in your name as soon as your payment clears.

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