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Changing apple id.


iPF Noob
Had to change my apple id. It works fine on the notebook. On my iPhone and iPad I can't change it to the new apple Id. The pop up still has the old email address and I don't know how to change it. I'm unable to use my old password and can't get a new one as the old email account no longer exists. Any ideas. tia, Dennis
For email, delete the email account from the iPad and add it again using the new information.

That usually works best.

For iTunes and and the other Apple Stores, go to the bottom of most tabs and you will see the Apple ID you are signed on with. Tap it to sign off, then tap it again to get the option to sing on. User your new Apple ID. You'll have to do this separately with each Store app: iTunes, App Store, iBooks Store, iTunes U.

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