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Changing my sync settings in itunes?


iPF Novice
I have an iPad 2. Whenever I connect it to my PC, it automatically syncs and adds new apps/games to my iPad.

How do I change the settings so that it doesn't automatically sync and allows me to choose which apps/games to add and which ones to not add?
Go to Preferences in iTunes, the Devices tab, and turn off auto-syncing. This will also prevent auto-launching of iTunes when the iPad is plugged in.
Another quick question. Once I've changed the preferences, how do I manually choose the apps that I want to sync over from itunes to my ipad and vice versa?
There's a couple of ways you can do this (well, three, actually):

1) Download the app from the App Store directly onto your iPad. It won't cost you again (if it's a paid app) and it's very convenient

2) In iTunes: With the iPad plugged in, go to the Apps tab (at the top, on the right hand side). There'll be a list of the apps in iTunes. Scroll down the list and when you find the one(s) you want, put a check mark in the box. When you are done selecting, hit the Apply (or maybe it's Sync) button in the lower right hand side of iTunes. It'll sync those newly checked apps over to your iPad

3) Or, in iTunes, you can simply click/hold an app out of the list mentioned in #2 above and then drag it to the appropriate screen of the iPad. You'll still have to do the sync button part from #2...

If you elect to do either #2 or #3, just be sure to do a "transfer purchases" first before dragging/checking and syncing (you transfer purchases by right-clicking on the iPad line in the left column...). That'll ensure that all the apps on the iPad are updated in iTunes as being on the iPad before you start doing any syncing.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for your response. I went with your option #2, but I think I must have screwed something up. I had all of my apps arranged alphabetically in folders on one screen. But after I did the manual sync, it deleted all of my folders and now displays each app individually across many screens. Is there a way to prevent this from happening in the future?

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