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Cityville Hometown iPad app review


iPF Noob
Cityville Hometown, iPad
NOTICE: These apps are reviewed by City, aka me. If you have a different opinion about it that's fine, only read this if you'd like.
Okay, so I've been trying out Cityville Hometown for actually 2 months now. It's a great app, and I'm glad I purchased it. This app is a totally free game, with free updates. The only time you'd have to pay is if you bought city cash or coins with real money. Otherwise, this is a totally free game.
There are some tip apps, which some cost money, others don't.
Cityville hometown is different than the Facebook version for PC or computer.

You'll start out with the Greene's to guide you around, giving you missions, and what not.
Then other people start coming in from trains, or out of no where. Some will give you missions, others just need a house or place of work.

Slot of the community buildings for this app need some item you need to collect, or items. You have to ask neighbors, which you can ask random people, or connect this app with Facebook.

Community buildings can be completed 3 different ways.
1. Asking neighbors for the certain item(s) you need
2. Using city cash
3. Using regular coins

To me, so far the hardest is the HTU Main Building, but I haven't gotten as far as some of the other players around.


Business do not need a certain amount of community buildings, just the amount of money, city cash, and or space you have. There are businesses of all kinds, just like in the real world. For ex.: Motels, Bed & Breakfast, Restraunts, Diners, Cafes, Fast food, Clothing, etc.
There are almost hundreds of choices.

Hometown gives you the feel of the small calm, town.


Housing is for more population in your city. You needmore population to finish businesses, missions, community buildings, and for expansion purchases.
Housing can have more than one population, or person inside the home. The farthest Ive gotten is 3 pop. Per home.


Expansions cost more, or less. It depends how many have been purchased. Some expansions are required for more space, or missions. I'd say expansions are the most important part of the game. But not always the hardest.

Its a pretty good game, despite some little hard parts, but challenges are good.

Feel free to post your reviews of Cityville Hometown for iPad! Of course they don't have to be as long as this.

Cya around!

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