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Cloking iPad presence online


iPF Novice
How do sites know what kind off device you are browsing with?

Is there any way (hacks) to prevent sites from determining this besides proxy browsers?I.e. Cloudbrowser
You can use a browser such as Atomic Web or iCabMobile that allow you to change your browser ID.

Some Flash sites, for instance, have iPhone versions that work whereas Safari on iPad they won't run because of Flash. So I am able to get those sites to work on my iPad by changing my browser to Safari iPhone.

Or on the other side, I could change it to desktop Safari, or even IE 8 or Firefox 3.

so its your browser that tags your device?
Not exactly. The browser reports itself so a webmaster can code different pages for Safari on iPhone or iPad. Some, like Atomic will report different versions so you can avoid websites redirecting you to "special" (usually mobile) versions of sites.
so its your browser that tags your device?
Not exactly. The browser reports itself so a webmaster can code different pages for Safari on iPhone or iPad. Some, like Atomic will report different versions so you can avoid websites redirecting you to "special" (usually mobile) versions of sites.

Actually as it pertains to this discussion that is exactly how the iPad is identified: the user agent string from Safari. It just happens to be unchangeable in Safari unless you are jailbroken.

And of course user agent string is not all about Webmasters coding pages just for Apple and Safari. It was used long before there ever was any version of Safari. It is used to identify browsers, consoles, crawlers, link checkers, validators and more.

My palm pre browser gives up the goods as well.I hate those shitty mobile sites. Btw,yahoo mail crammed a new format down the throats of iPad users.you can circumvent this by logging in,going to tools,switching back to classic or whatever they call it and bookmarking your inbox page.

Edit. In safari that is.
And of course user agent string is not all about Webmasters coding pages just for Apple and Safari. It was used long before there ever was any version of Safari. It is used to identify browsers, consoles, crawlers, link checkers, validators and more.
Right. Not specific to Safari...


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