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"Closing" files and apps


iPF Noob
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
North Carolina
I'm very much new to mac platforms...

I'm not quite sure if files and apps actually close when I push the home button to exit. Safaripulls up the webpages I had previously been on, which is ok.

But more problematic is dropbox and iannotate. With dropbox if I'm looking at file and I exit the application that file is still open when I return to dropbox. I did a test by creating a file on my PC, opening it up in dropbox on the Ipad, closing the app, then deleting the file on my PC. When I went back to dropbox on the Ipad, it said "unable to open file." So my question is, how do you close a file when you are done with it?
If you deleted the file on your PC in dropbox it will not be available from the iPad. If your iPad is connected it will update your available files. When you hit the home button your apps should save the file.
Yea I'm confused over what the problem is here. You deleted the file therefor it was no longer available via dropbox app on iPad. That is how it is supposed to work.

There is no "close" you just use the device without needing to be concerned over that. If you are doing something with an explicit save or done button then that is what you use to save whatever you are working on at that time.

Oh and this is an iOS device. While made my Apple it is far from a Mac. Same rules don't apply.
What I mean is that the Ipad dropbox app is still pointed at that particular file after I close dropbox. So when I delete it on my pc and then open up dropbox on the Ipad it tries to find this file and gives back an error because it was the last file accessed. I want to close opened files before exiting dropbox.
Yes Drop Box merely saved its state. If you don't want to be on that file when Drop Box is opened again... don't leave the app with that file open. This is really a non-issue here.

As far as Safari... while it will multitask it also saves state. You can completely shut down the iPad, restart it, and when you open Safari the tabs will be restored. Again, this is a feature not supposed to be a problem. You can always close tabs if you don't want them to open again.

Yes, iOS 3.x does not support multitasking. Well iOS 4 doesn't really either, but I digress. Most apps stop running when you hit the home button. Some Apps do save their state so when you open them it appears they are doing what you last saw them doing. In most cases this is perfectly fine. However with an App like Dropbox that share files via the cloud with other devices it can cause this kind of situation. It should not matter as long as the user is aware of what they are doing.

Computer terms like "Quit the program," and "Close the document," are not entirely accurate with mobile devices. If it really bugs you, just make sure you go to the file chooser in Dropbox before hitting the Home screen. After awhile I suspect you'll get used to the different paradigm.
I do not think it actually closes the program.

If you run the program again, it usually starts faster than the first time you open it.
Jailbreak it.there is an app that allows you to see all of the running processes in a drop down menu.you can close the ones you don't want.

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