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Cloud back up


iPF Noob
Dec 7, 2012
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This may sound a silly question, but I have always been told there is no such thing as a silly question....
I am a silver surfer
I have an I-pad.....
I have been given an I-phone by my daughter as she upgraded...
Am i correct in saying the back up applies to your account and not the individual device?
I take it I do not have free 5gb for each device? (Phone and pad)
Correct. You only get 5 GB of space per free account.

However, you can have a different iCloud account for each device, if you choose. It would mean juggling the logins in different apps/settings for each device, so that you get the same email, calendars,Messages, etc. But it can be done. You keep the same iTunes ID for the stores, of course, so you don't have to pay for apps twice.

Using your Apple ID for Apple services

I wouldn't bother unless your backup's and other stuff starts to crowed the 5 GB. I keep an iPad and iPhone on the same iCloud account and have not had any troubles so far; about 3.3 GB used. Then again, I go into the backup options in Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage > etc, and turn off any apps who's data I don't feel the need to have backed up.

Or you can pay for some extra space. I do this too, as a kind of habit from my MobileMe days. I got an extra 20 GB for free for over two years after they switched to iCloud. I've never used it, but I had the money when it came due, so I hung on to it, for old times sake as much as any other reason. Again, I wouldn't bother if you don't find yourself getting short.
And if you do set up separate accounts any apps you want on both devices will have to be purchased twice, once for each account/device
And if you do set up separate accounts any apps you want on both devices will have to be purchased twice, once for each account/device

Not true.

It is perfectly possible to have separate iCloud accounts on each device while keeping the same iTunes account on all of them. While your Apple iTunes account and your iCloud account 'can' use the same Apple ID they do not have to do so.

This is why it is necessary to sign in separately for your iCloud account, your iTunes store accounts, Messages, FaceTime, Mail, etc. So that you 'can' use a different Apple ID (iCloud, iTunes, whatever) if you like.

Using your Apple ID for Apple services
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The real confusion with this solution, as the OP would need to use it, is that he would need to have two iCloud accounts on one of the devices. On the primary device he would continue as is. On the second device he would use the second iCloud account in Settings > iCloud, (and only there) but turn off almost all of the syncing features (Mail, Calendars, Notes, etc.) while leaving the Backup and Storage stuff alone. Then he would go to the Mail account settings and add the primary iCloud account. (if he uses iCloud for mail, calendars, etc).

I admit to not having tested the second iCloud account in Mail's account setup, but it should work. Even if it does not, that won't affect the iStore settings which will remain logged in with the original account, keeping all app, music, and other purchases available on both devices.

If for some reason having one iCloud account in iCloud settings and another in Mail account setting does not work, additional hijinkery may be necessary to keep that stuff synced across devices.

But in the end it probably isn't necessary to do any of this. 5 GB is enough to back up two devices, provided you trim out apps that don't need backed up.
Ok, question (I think it applies to the solution for the OP and hope it isn't a hijack) if you are signed into two Apple ID's under one iTunes account can both devices see an iTunes library on a computer? And can both devices control an Apple TV all without logging out and back in on any of the 4?
I'm not sure about Apple TV, but iTunes on a computer can be authenticated for more than one iTunes account; though that can get confusing down the road when/if you change machines or your settings get hosed. You might have to clear your authenticated accounts in iTunes on the computer and start over authenticating both accounts. I have two accounts authenticated on my iTunes; because I accidentally ended up with two accounts when Apple started the MobileMe service several years back.

My content is split between them. Most of the time I don't notice; though when I have to restore a device and get asked for two Apple ID's (only slightly different from each other) instead of one, it gets confusing if I don't look close and keep trying to enter the wrong password for the older account.

But: This has nothing to do with keeping a separate iTunes and iCloud account. When you used different Apple ID's for the iStores and iCloud, you keep them completely separate. You don't buy content with the iCloud account or sign into an iStore with it, and you don't need to authenticate on the computer. One is strictly for buying stuff in the stores. The other is strictly for syncing contend and backing up your stuff (or using icloud.com from a computer browser).

When you use the same Apple ID for both iTunes and iCloud they are still separate features/functions. You just have the convenience of using only one user ID and password. Apple recommends this because it is easier and less confusing, and it fits their normal user profile of one user, multiple devices.

So, to re-emphasize. When you set up a second iCloud account for a second device, you never use it in the iTunes Store. It's for iCloud, and that's it. Well, you could also use it for iMessage and FaceTime; and if your second device is for another person that's what you'd probably do. However the OP is using both devices, so he would want to keep using the same ID for FaceTime and iMessages on both devices.
It occurs to me that you might be thinking that creating an iTune Store account and an iCloud account are the same thing. They are not. They start from different places, and unlike an iTunes Store account that want's you to enter payment information (usually), setting up an iCloud account requires no payment information (usually).

To start a new iTunes Store account you start from within an iTunes Store (or a few other options).

To create an iCloud account you start from within the iCloud settings. It will give you the opportunity to associate it with an existing Apple ID (usually an iTunes Store account), but you don't have to.

In both cases, if you are signing in for the first time (in the appropriate app), or you've signed out and are signing back in, there should be a Create New account option.

Disclaimer: I've pulled this all out of my head, and knowing my memory I've probably got a few details wrong; but the general message and methods should still hold true.
Well thats what you call an answer.
Many thanks guys for a very comprehensive explanation

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