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Cloudon or Onlive desktop?


iPF Noob
These two apps are free on the Appstore. Anyone have tried it already? I think CloudOn is much nicer since its connected to Dropbox.

I want to try these apps but i cant manage to connect them in the Appstore? Does this mean they are only available in the US??

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These two apps are free on the Appstore. Anyone have tried it already? I think CloudOn is much nicer since its connected to Dropbox.

I want to try these apps but i cant manage to connect them in the Appstore? Does this mean they are only available in the US??

Sent from my iPad2 3g+WiFi using Forum Runner

I tried CloudOn and Onlive Desktop using a 25 mb powerpoint file with macro programming. I found out that CloudOn played the video part with a slight stutter, does not play well the macro program part, and none of the embedded sound. I agree that it is nice because it uses dropbox. On the other hand, Onlive Desktop played the presentation well.
Onlive will give you access to your dropbox if you pay the $5/mon for IE. IE has a link to your dropbox so you can download files to your Onlive space. Edit, then move back to DB. Not very seamless, however.
Onlive will give you access to your dropbox if you pay the $5/mon for IE. IE has a link to your dropbox so you can download files to your Onlive space. Edit, then move back to DB. Not very seamless, however.

I only avail of the free/standard OnLive service (2 gb free space). I did not made use or connect to dropbox via IE. I upload files directly to Onlive through IE or other browser by logging in to OnLive. I do agree that this is somewhat a disadvantage compared to CloudOn. But in terms of functionality, IMHO, OnLive is far better than CloudOn.
Both are fundamentally flawed in concept, because they're simply a remote access mechanism that lets you log into a windows machine and run the Windows version of office. They require a fast, reliable internet connection and don't integrate well with the iPad experience, as MS Office (at least the current version, which is what they provide) is designed for use with a mouse and keyboard. If you want to use MS Office, the optimal choice of hardware is a laptop running Windows, not an iPad.

There are many native apps available for the iPad which provide functionality similar to MS Office (though with many limitations - you should check their capabilities to see if they meet your needs). I recommend using a native app so you can have something that is designed to actually work well with the iPad.

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