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Club membership / social clubs and groups. Is there an App for that ?


iPF Noob
Hi all, I'm a new member who has signed up to ask you all for some advice. I help to run a cub scout pack. Each week we are manually tracking in a large A4 notebook all aspects of the activities and finances etc of running the pack.

Rather than knocking a spreadsheet together, I wondered if there might already be an app for tracking social club memberships, weekly / monthly payments of 'subs' subscriptions, perhaps allow me to keep track of badges / awards / achievements. Maybe I've already answered my own question, but I thought I'd put it out there.

I realise there may not be something Scouts specific, but something close that might do the job. If not - I may try and pull one together myself. I'm no stranger to developing and web design but I've never made an iphone / ipad app.

Hi Jim.

I have just joined this forum to enable me to reply to you. I am looking for the same thing for a similar reason. You clearly haven't had any response so far, but I wonder if you have found what you are looking for elsewhere? I would be interested. I am going to start researching myself and will post if I find anything relevant.

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