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Comex Releases JB Fix - CCK Now Working on iPad

anyone could open usb drive? I have a self powered usb dock & could see the /dev/disk1s1 in the terminal with FAT format but has to mount thru terminal. I need iFile to see it like SD card. & if it could read HFS+ (mac os extended format) .

iRuthlessPad said:
Does this mean I can play my movies from USB HDD and pen drives through iPad directly by connecting it with the camera kit?

Yes, provided it has an external power source. The CCK cannot power a HDD (or much else for that matter). Only a small number of USB Flash disks are sufficiently low power to function... SD Cards using the SD adapter on the other hand tend to work flawlessly.
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sati747 said:
Correction if I may.

CCK on iPad2 works fine. However, there is a little issue with iPad1 with JBme3. When you click on the .avi file, it does not give me options to open with other players (not even in the openwith window). I am going to re-JB my iPad 1 with Sn0wbreeze. But I am still happy since it's working with my iPad2 though. :)

On ipad1...open ifile...tap the cog wheel for settings and make sure the option " open in external viewers" is turned on....

Thank you.. But I already restored and JBed it with S0nwbreeze -- It freezes intermittently while I was browsing with iFile also...filesys is somehow not happy with A4 core in iPad I guess.
I have an old Cruzer Micro 2G stick that works; the only USB stick I have that does work.

My method, if I really need a USB stick (e.g. for older computers), is to use a USB stick-like convertor. I put an SD card in the stick and then am able to use the USB port on the PC.

Good luck on your hunt.

And can I use these cheap Chinese camera connection kits? Will they work? Coz they have direct USB and micro sd too..and some have hdmi mirroring :p


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Ncaissie said:
How do I update for this fix?

By reading my previous instructions :P

f4780y said:
Load Cydia and let your packages refresh, then choose "Complete Upgrade" to apply the fix.

If you don't get offered that option when you load Cydia then you already have the fix.

Hope that helps...
"Load Cydia and let your packages refresh, then choose "Complete Upgrade" to apply the fix."
I have loaded a many times over the past few days and don't recall seeing it. Can you tell me how to know if it was installed?
Like I said above, if you don't get offered the fix then you don't need it.
It is only relevant for those that were jailbroken with the initial release of jailbreakme.com last week.
Comex has just released the fix for the jailbreak which resolves the widespread issue of the Camera Connection Kit not working on iPad.

I have tested and can confirm a disk attached to the CCK now mounts in iFile perfectly.

Load Cydia and let your packages refresh, then choose "Complete Upgrade" to apply the fix.

That's it!

Yay Comex!

When I run go to Cydia, all appears ok. I run the Complete upgrade & get the following:
Dowloading *j2 iPad2,1 Jailbreakme 3.0
Done: 8j2 iPad2,1 Jailbreakme 3.0
XSize mismatch.

It isn't working. Any ideas?

Please advise.
Starman002 said:

When I run go to Cydia, all appears ok. I run the Complete upgrade & get the following:
Dowloading *j2 iPad2,1 Jailbreakme 3.0
Done: 8j2 iPad2,1 Jailbreakme 3.0
XSize mismatch.

It isn't working. Any ideas?

Please advise.

No ideas. I would simply try again. Are you on IOS 4.3.3. or 4.3?

Remember 2,000,000+ devices have used the JB since it release last week. I am sure traffic is very high. Make sure you have a good connection, have patience, and just retry every so often until it works.

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