Could be a long time, John.![]()
SweetPoison said:Yeah. I feel for all the iPad2 holders. Some are going crazy! I am waiting to see how long my expert....thinks it may be.![]()
Ouch, really??
I really love the thing (mainly because there aren't any other legit options at this time) and I'm willing to wait, but I sure am itching to modify a few things that aren't possible at this time.......
Ouch, really??
I really love the thing (mainly because there aren't any other legit options at this time) and I'm willing to wait, but I sure am itching to modify a few things that aren't possible at this time.......
Don't think that Jailbreaking is going to fix all of the limitations of the iPad. Also, a lot of the things that jailbreaking allows are ridiculously unstable. For example, winterboard, which is necessary for basically any theming of the iPad, has rendered my device useless at least 3 times until I was able to get back to my computer and restore it.
Jailbreaking is great for little tweaks like setting a default browser other than safari or modifying what the toggle swich does (even though this tweak is beyond beta and also mutes your iPad). Trying to go crazy and add widgets and things is where you will get beyond frustrated and want to fire the thing through a window. Spent probably 4 hours trying to get a simple HTC style flip clock widget to display. I gave up.
I laso have a Dinc. At the beginning you'll feel like in jail, then you'll jailbrake, the feeling remains the same. After a while you'll get used to and begin enjoying and living with a lot of limitations, like no swype or swiftkey, no communication between apps. Even with ifile file management and browsing is very limited.
The hardware and the software are great, the problem is the philosophy behind. Here begins your love - hate relation with the iPad.
EvilMonkey said:Ditto.
I've seen some videos of jailbroken iPads and it looks like you can do a bit more with them (widgets, animated wallpaper, rearrange icons without them snapping into rigid rows, scrollable docks, gestures, custom icons, rename icons, etc). Looks a bit more like Android and that kindof stuff gives you some basic Android-like things. A bit anyways. Here's a link with a video someone made which highlights some things you can do if you jailbreak:
I find myself reaching for my EVO for things that the iPad doesn't do well also. I guess I'm expecting universal access for all of my devices and it's just not going to happen when the corporate agenda overrides the user's agenda. ...
Just think of the iPad like a microwave oven. You don't customize your microwave do you?
NCTurner said:Cincy,
Good luck on getting refunds on the apps...I don't think there is an "automatic" way, like with the Android market.
I just bought / installed Print N Share, based on a post by a moderator on here ("Tim".) It works fairly well without my PC even being on, but works much better with my PC on. You may have already seen it, but just in case you haven't, here's the thread:
There is also an entire section on Airprint. The problem with Airprint is the very limited number of printers which it supports.
I use the app called "Pages", and it printed just fine. But, it won't (yet) open a Google Doc.