I just purchased the ipad. I love it to hang around at home on the couch and surf - what in fact i am doing right now.
Apart from the fact that i have a laptop already and that too much surfing takes too much time i purchased it for another purpose.
I am a dentist and the idea of purchasing the ipad was the following:
1. The nurse takes photos of every patient before i see them using a dslr, macrolens and ringflash
2. The images go wireless with the eye-fi card to the computer.
So far so good
3. Now the perfect way was to have the ipad using an app to autoimport images from a folder on my mac. As there doesnt seem to be such a thing i found an app which at least lets me manually upload photos to the ipad wirelessly. Not perefect but ok.
Now the problem is that there seems to be no way to create photoalbumscin the ipad. This really sucks as due to patient confidentiallity i dont want anyone to see photos which are of other patients. Is there a way to create photoalbums in the ipad?
4. I want to show the oictures to the patients and explain what i found. Perfect would be an app which lets me quickly step through the different photos and lets me scribble on them. On the mac i used omnidazzle for this.
I found an app which lets me use a bluetooth mouse so controlling wouldnt be a problem but i didnt find an app which lets me scribbele onto photos. There are a few but they dont allow me to scribble and move image forwardcand backward
i was even hoping to mabe have some controlscover brightness and contrast on the mouse (xrays) but i already forgot about this because simple scribbling is not even posible. Or is it?
Do you know of an app which can docthis?
Then it would becgreat if the scribbles could be sent via email or printed. But i guess i am already asking for too much
Help appreciated
Kind regards
I just purchased the ipad. I love it to hang around at home on the couch and surf - what in fact i am doing right now.
Apart from the fact that i have a laptop already and that too much surfing takes too much time i purchased it for another purpose.
I am a dentist and the idea of purchasing the ipad was the following:
1. The nurse takes photos of every patient before i see them using a dslr, macrolens and ringflash
2. The images go wireless with the eye-fi card to the computer.
So far so good
3. Now the perfect way was to have the ipad using an app to autoimport images from a folder on my mac. As there doesnt seem to be such a thing i found an app which at least lets me manually upload photos to the ipad wirelessly. Not perefect but ok.
Now the problem is that there seems to be no way to create photoalbumscin the ipad. This really sucks as due to patient confidentiallity i dont want anyone to see photos which are of other patients. Is there a way to create photoalbums in the ipad?
4. I want to show the oictures to the patients and explain what i found. Perfect would be an app which lets me quickly step through the different photos and lets me scribble on them. On the mac i used omnidazzle for this.
I found an app which lets me use a bluetooth mouse so controlling wouldnt be a problem but i didnt find an app which lets me scribbele onto photos. There are a few but they dont allow me to scribble and move image forwardcand backward

Do you know of an app which can docthis?
Then it would becgreat if the scribbles could be sent via email or printed. But i guess i am already asking for too much
Help appreciated
Kind regards