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Complete disappointment ?

Sorry, went out for a run. Basically with VNC you are mirroring and controlling your Mac/PC from the iPad. You retain all the security and backup (you are backing up right??) of the Mac/PC as you can set up the host Mac/PC to require a login password. Then when you leave the office with your iPad, you don't have any confidential information on it. I like Jump as it connects to the Mac by using Screen Sharing which is native on the Mac. I also have used Team Viewer but you need to have the program loaded onto Mac as well as the iPad however both are easy to setup. I think Team Viewer is free but while Jump costs US$20, it runs faster and better for me.

I think using VNC will be the best solution for you until an app is created specifically for your needs. It's easy to implement so give it a try.

Good Luck!
Since you are using an EyeFi card use the card to upload directly to SmugMug then view the pics through the SmugMug iPad app. I don't have this setup so I don't know how the EyeFi and SmugMug are setup but I suspect you would still have to login to SmugMug to put your pics into folders. Also, I don't think there's a free SmugMug level so you'd have to pay for an account.
This Conversation Reminds Me of the Good Old Days

When I worked on a mainframe and business units within the company wanted to do unit specific tasks. In those days, first and foremost was the security of the data. I worked at a bank and we had a huge concern of having unauthorized endusers access the wrong data set.

My understanding is that Spielor (Jens) wants to be able to show images to a specific patient when they are in for a visit. He wants to be able to show them their progress in attaining good dental health. The iPad would be a great way to show the patient their information, without compromising their personal data. In addition, the dentist needs to be able to prepare his patient's information with minimal impact to his patient's time in the chair.

Since the iPad is highly mobile, Spielor would also be concerned that the data on the iPad does not contain any patient data that would inadvertently be compromised if the iPad turns up missing.

So the data should be in only one, very secure place, with the iPad being a client, grabbing its information, as needed by the dentist. And when the conversation is completed, all information should be returned to the host--which would also include any notes or any new information gleaned during the conversation or any recommedations or agreements dentist and patient would conclude.

Is there an app for that? Some have suggested mobileMe and other solutions. Please keep the ideas coming as this thread has real time application. (Sorry, Spielor, I didn't mean to hijack your thread.)
I will admit that it sounds like there is some dental supply house that is really missing a wonderful opportunity to market an app for this, especially since there already seems to be some very powerful dental office tools made for the Mac. It almost sounds like the Mac people and the iDevice people at One Infinite Loop don't talk to each other!
Yes, One Would Think

That some dental industry related company would figure out a solution and sell it as a total package. But dentist are the last group of health care professionals that would buy a turn key solution. I hope I'm not stereotyping dentists but the dental practice seems to be the least inclined professional group that would be organized into large practices--they do exists, we have a large firm in Fort Wayne, Indiana that provides dental care but some folks view them with a certain amount of derision like you were getting dental care at a large discount super market.

My father was a military dentist, and when he retired, he bought a partnership into an existing practice, specializing in geriatric care. Computer technology was the last thing they thought about. Instead they discussed the latest technology like laser knives and malleable metals, and photosensitive ceramics.

Computers were used for billing, filing healthcare reimbursement forms not as a tool or device to provide patient care.
Instead of using a wifi card reader, use a wifi camera. It allows to transmit your pictures wirelessly directly into your Dropbox account. You can create a list of client files there via your computer, view and modify files from the iPad via DocsToGo directly inside Dropbox.

All is done with fluidity.
I tried the vnc possibility which works kind of ok but the graphics are a bit lame. I also struggled to make use of the whole screenspace of the ipad displaying the photo. My idea was to give the ipad to the patient while i use the mouse which is connected by bluetooth. Had some problems with the vnc there as well as the ipad expects the touchscreen to be used instead of the mouse.
The best option would be the one matt described. Having the images stored on the server and just importing them for demonstation and scribbling and then save them back to the server.
There is a way to go stright from the eye-fi card into the ipad but i want/have to have the raw files as well which i want on my pc and not on the ipad.
I dont know docs to go but i will have a look into it tomorrow.
Thankvyou all for your help. If there is a solition the ipad could developo into an amazing extremely valuable tool for dentistry. Once the import exportvissue is sorted there are so much more things i could think of.
It's a shame that Apple set so many limitations on the iPad. It would be such a productive tool!...
since you are leaning towards files on a server, placed there by the camera, you could try Orb server on a PC. There is probably something similar for the Mac - I am just familiar with Orb. You tell it to serve, say, C:\patientpics and then that folder appears in the client apps (iPad among them). Then, any patient-named folder beneath that top level folder appears in the client as a subfolder. You (or more to the point, the nurses) just need to be able to create the subfolders by client name and upload there via the camera.
You can configure the server to make media accessible to the internet, if there might be a need for that.
As a patient I would not mind seeing your girlfriend in a bikini at all!

But yeah, Apple has made many things on the iPad just too hard. which is the exact opposite of what Apple tries to image itself as - a easier to use computer.

Copying files to/from tablet -too hard, connecting to other machines shares-too hard, the list goes on.

As far as I am concerned hearing things like it's a consumption device are just excuses. These things should be a given on any device this day and age.
my ipad is jailbroken so i hope that there might be something from the unofficial apps.
unfortunately does the ipad not share the same success like the iphone so there are not so many forums/platforms (yet?) where i could ask people who might know if such a software exists.
why not post another thread on the hacking section of this forum. regarding what apps you have in mind. :)

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