This Conversation Reminds Me of the Good Old Days
When I worked on a mainframe and business units within the company wanted to do unit specific tasks. In those days, first and foremost was the security of the data. I worked at a bank and we had a huge concern of having unauthorized endusers access the wrong data set.
My understanding is that Spielor (Jens) wants to be able to show images to a specific patient when they are in for a visit. He wants to be able to show them their progress in attaining good dental health. The iPad would be a great way to show the patient their information, without compromising their personal data. In addition, the dentist needs to be able to prepare his patient's information with minimal impact to his patient's time in the chair.
Since the iPad is highly mobile, Spielor would also be concerned that the data on the iPad does not contain any patient data that would inadvertently be compromised if the iPad turns up missing.
So the data should be in only one, very secure place, with the iPad being a client, grabbing its information, as needed by the dentist. And when the conversation is completed, all information should be returned to the host--which would also include any notes or any new information gleaned during the conversation or any recommedations or agreements dentist and patient would conclude.
Is there an app for that? Some have suggested mobileMe and other solutions. Please keep the ideas coming as this thread has real time application. (Sorry, Spielor, I didn't mean to hijack your thread.)