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Completely new to Apple


iPF Noob
I recently won a 32g Ipad in a contest that my company had. It hasn't even arrived at the office yet. I am debating on whether to open the box and keep it or just leave it sealed and sell it on ebay. I'm not normally too into gadgets, but I am intrigued by the I-pad (so much excitement/hype(?)).

I've never had anything apple, though I am fairly familiar with the I-phone. My cell service is currently with Verizon and my phone is the HTC Droid Incredible. I pretty much use my phone for everything and my work laptop (PC) for everything else.

I think it would be neat to be able to do some of the same things I do my my DROID with a bigger screen and more battery life. I'd like to be able to load movies on it, use apps like Google Earth to plan hunting/hiking trips, put my music on it, use my Bible on it at church (use the Droid now) and play on the internet.

How hard is it to load the DVD's I already have onto the I-Pad, and about how many would fit? I'm assuming I can use Google Earth on it (right?) and that it will sync my gmail and yahoo email accounts.

How can I tell which websites this thing will go to (which ones are "flash"/adobe)?

I know ya'll are probably biased (but I'd love to hear it) - - Should I keep this thing or sell it and buy the rifle I've been wanting.... Where should I sell it (if I do), and what should I ask for it?

I've noticed that they are selling for $620 on the apple store, yet are selling for around $800 on ebay - WHY IS THIS? Are they out at apple or something?

I know this was a long rant, but I am new to all of this. Thank ya'll again for your input.

Welcome! Why not try to use one in the apple store? See if you like it. I never miss those sites with flash. Infact, I can't even tell. But them I'm not a computer person. However , I don't find it difficult to transfer videos.

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