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Completely unacceptable ipad2, complete unacceptable

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pdxgeek said:
I dont know why you would call this a troll attempt when multiple people are saying the same thing, and he even posted a video of the issue.

I see more fanboyism than trolling in this thread. With the moderators even stepping into it a bit. I would think they would try to be a bit more uhhh... moderate.

I love my iPad 2, but this is definitely on my list of complaints with the device.

Because he says the iPad 3 is junk in this thread and loves the playbook and in another thread he says the opposite.

64GB 3G White iPad
Tapmyapple said:
enough about the tabs already geez, 9 tabs is nothing. just admit 512mb ram in a modern day device is pathetic. i use 15+ tabs on my macbookpro. does my notebook ever do this? uhhh no cause i have 8gb ram in that sucker.

and have fun surfing the web with 2 tabs, ya thats real fun.:rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure the xbox 360 and PS3 has that and look at the power the PS3 has.

64GB 3G White iPad
sjleworthy said:
Tap is talking about the ipad2, not the ipad1 which this is a common problem on.

No it is not. I loaded a bunch of pages with a lot of images and data and didn't have this problem.
I think they have a memory hungry app running or something.

64GB 3G White iPad
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