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iPF Noob

I fashion myself to be an artist. I write, draw, and make music.

So once I saw Apple's Ipad commercial, I was astonished by the possibilities of what I could do with this machine. Then came the rough part. I began to absorb all information youtube had to offer on ipads. Literally. There are no more reviews, no more sketches, no more apple hater videos for me to watch. I've seen them all.

Then, suddenly, I began dreaming about what I could do with one. Just last night, I dreamt that I was painting a portrait of the Grand Canyon with sketchbook pro.

I awoke in a cold sweat.

Then went back to sleep.

Then I dreamed that I used Animation Creator to direct my own cartoons. I also dreamed that I went to Kinko's and printed out a vast wealth of my art just to hang around the house.

Then suddenly, came the investors, the people wanting me to immortalize their images in digital art.

I awoke again, disappointed. Sweating. Panting, for it was all a nightmare.

In reality I am too poor to afford this.

Bah. I really need an ipad. I won't be happy until I have one.
Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions......

The iPad can't do everything but it's a surprisingly competent little machine. Great for cartoons using penultimate and sketchbook .......the grand canyon will prove more demanding I fear.
Good luck with your future happiness.
Save your pennies, bro. It's totally worth it.

The New Yorker Oct 4th Cover

Was created on an iPad by artist David Hockney. According to the magazine, Mr. Hockney has an exhibition of his iPhone and iPad drawings to open October 21st to January 30, 2011 at the Fondation Pierre Berge--Yves Saint Laurent in Paris.

Proving once again, there is an app for that.

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