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Confused on html5


iPF Noob
Sep 26, 2010
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Ok I went to fox.com because I was wondering if the videos would play. I catch up on a few shows online, it says my player is not html5 compatible? I am being told that it is, so what is it yes or no lol
Ok I went to fox.com because I was wondering if the videos would play. I catch up on a few shows online, it says my player is not html5 compatible? I am being told that it is, so what is it yes or no lol

I tested that out by trying to watch a show on fox.com and this is th error message I got:

We're sorry.
This player is not enabled for HTML5 delivery.

Funny, because the iPad is supposed to work with html5. It certainly does with Apple's html5 showcase website.

Wonder what the problem is, improper html5 coding on Fox's part or what?
I clicked on the "playback problems?" link on Fox's video page and submitted the problem. Will see what they say.
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Foxnews.com uses html5 per Apple's website.

Went there and was able to play their videos fine.
Thank you for the reply, they must have something that isnt working right, hope they fix it soon..
I don't quite get it. Where is the problem?
Fox uses a player that isn't HTML5 compatible and tells you so.
That's all there is to it.

As every slightly intelligent website does, it checks your OS and browser, sees that you are using an iPad which can't do flash, and then checks if it has HTML5 to offer, as it knows that that is what the iPad expects.
Not having HTML5, it tells you so, in order to prevent you from submitting a problem that isn't one. ;-)
I don't quite get it. Where is the problem?
Fox uses a player that isn't HTML5 compatible and tells you so.
That's all there is to it.

As every slightly intelligent website does, it checks your OS and browser, sees that you are using an iPad which can't do flash, and then checks if it has HTML5 to offer, as it knows that that is what the iPad expects.
Not having HTML5, it tells you so, in order to prevent you from submitting a problem that isn't one. ;-)

This was very informative. Thank you!

So you think there is no problem? Why do folks think that Fox does or should use HTML5 compatible?
I think you guys are reading the message incorrectly. It is telling you that the fox player is not ready to support a html5 device like the iPad, not that your iPad doesn't support html5...
It's Fox News it probably worded it in such a way as to make you feel like it's Obama's fault that you can't see the video.
lol want to watch the shows on fox not the news, Thanks for the info, I was seeing it wrong, they need to hurry up and get with the times lol
It's Fox News it probably worded it in such a way as to make you feel like it's Obama's fault that you can't see the video.

Totally agree. That is one badly worded error message. No wonder folks are confused.
Html5 "enabled"

I clicked on the "playback problems?" link on Fox's video page and submitted the problem. Will see what they say.

Robertlc... Did Fox ever get back to you?
I tried to view a "House" video and got the error on my iPad, but it played without a problem on my iMac.

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