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Connectivity issues

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I am having the same sporadic wifi connectivity problems with my home network. I contacted the Linsys help line and they did a remote number on my setup and made a few changes. This was supposed to resolve the issue but even with a Linksys signal booster I still have problems. At times my Ipad shows a full connection but I am unable to open a website. Really frustrating.
Just to update, it was my home wireless router that was the problem. As soon as I installed a current modem / router all my connectivity problems went away. I can even change brightness settings with no issues.

If you're router is old, that may be your problem.
Just to update, it was my home wireless router that was the problem. As soon as I installed a current modem / router all my connectivity problems went away. I can even change brightness settings with no issues.

If you're router is old, that may be your problem.

Glad you're up and running. I bought a brand new router at home. Didn't help. I also had issues on my work network (huge lawfirm with an IT dept)and hot spots so it was not just one network giving me problems.

This, too, has been my first foray into Apple other than an iPod Classic and a Shuffle. I, too, was surpised with all the difficulties after hearing about Apple's stellar customer service.
Hi All
just got an iPad. Had problems with a linksys router, I removed security and MAC address filter to no avail. It was the comment from DMad "If you're router is old, that may be your problem." that made me think. So I downloaded a firmware update from linksys for my router and immediatley got on to the internet with the iPad.
I turned on security and MAC filters and it still works.

Thanks to all of you.
Why I Don't Run WiFi in my house

Don't feel too bad folks. The problems seem to be router related "mostly" and I had them in spades with my wife's computer in another room trying to maintain contact with my wifi modem router. I finally strung ethernet class 6 cable between the computer and the router port and things have been just fine. I talked to some on-line folks and some smart computer store folks and it is a combination of router firmware and some of the metal nails in the roofing [it seems]. We would get sporadic connection some days and 0 on others. Now my in-home IT expert [me] doesn't get called by my wife to come fix her computer, browser and e-mail don't work again. You may have to deal with the problem for quite a while depending on local conditions. That is one reason I elect to get all my e-mail at home and do all my browsing from home. My iPad will be a photo display and video display unit for the most part. I take lots of HD Video and 21MP photos. I have high hopes for the iPad screen resolution to help me display my work. I did set up a g-mail account for occasional e-mail when I get to a good hotspot at my local Panera or other hotspot location. It is:
Good luck.

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Let me get this straight, you have to turn up the brightness and turn auto connect off? Every other WiFi computer/iPhone work great in my home. Other people that visit join my network with absolutely no problems. There is a problem and I hope Apple will release a fix soon. It will be 2 months since they acknowledged the problem. Adjust the brightness, that kind of sounds like hold the iPad over your head, turn three times and say Steve Jobs 5 times!
Let me get this straight, you have to turn up the brightness and turn auto connect off? Every other WiFi computer/iPhone work great in my home. Other people that visit join my network with absolutely no problems. There is a problem and I hope Apple will release a fix soon. It will be 2 months since they acknowledged the problem. Adjust the brightness, that kind of sounds like hold the iPad over your head, turn three times and say Steve Jobs 5 times!

Like they say, there is a bug in the iPad firmware. Turning off auto brightness a lot of the time corrects this bug. Apple has already acnolaged this bug and advises people to perform the steps to turn off auto brightness. They will correct this in the next firmware update (4.0?)

As for the routers, it only seems to effect DUAL BAND routers. If you don't have a dual band router you should be OK.

Also there is a 3rd issue related to the iPad not releasing/renewing its IP address after waking up from sleep mode. This is not a big issue for your home network but if you connect to a larger network like an enterprise or a university it can be a big problem. Because the iPad doesnt renew its IP after waking up if the IP lease has expired it will just continue using the same IP but since the IP lease has expired the DHCP server could have already issued the IP to a different PC or device on the network. You then have an IP conflict with two devices using the same IP. Some universities have started banning iPads from the network temperarily due to this.
Thanks for the info. I haven't really taken the time to follow the steps listed to try and fix this bug. I think the iPad is incredible, but like the antenna problem with the iPhone 4, did Apple know about these problems and still come to market? In running a business I have to make decisions about the quality, and most importantly the acceptability of a product or service. Sometimes you can release a product into the marketplace that is good enough right then and address any problems after the release. Other times you hold it until you know it's right. Just my two cents.
I got my iPad and WiFi worked for about a week. Then it suddenly died. Talked to Apple tech support. I did everything they asked including switching off the auto-brightness. I didn't see any reason to fxxk around with my router since the iPad would not even recognize any WiFi signal. My iPod Touch and laptop can see at least 10 WiFi routers around my home. I also did a full restore (three times). Still nothing. Apple Tech Support suggested I return it. Thanks, a lot Apple - I live in Hong Kong, and the iPad is not officially available here for who knows how long.
I am now officially experiencing this problem as of this morning. 16gig Wi-Fi iPad reads full wi-fi signal strength, but I am unable to connect to any email accounts, or connect to the internet via perfect browser or safari. Very frustrating as it was working just fine last night. I am at my workplace and I actually bogart wi-fi from someone else so I can't jack with the settings on the router.

I will test with my own wi-fi at home later this evening.
Even though I wasn't experiencing any of these WiFi connectivity issues (knock wood!), I downloaded the 3.2.1 upgrade and now my connectivity is even better and faster.
Update: got home and wi-fi is working fine here at the house. Whew! That was a close one. I guess the wi-fi I was bogarting was having some issues or something. Suppose I'll be tethering now...
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