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Control songs on the iPad with iPod but stream them from your PC


iPF Noob
I've been using the FileBrowser App recently and have discovered that I can play songs directly from my iPad via FileBrowser, but having them streamed from my PC and then passed through to the AirportExpress Audio port which connects to my AVR.

Thus, I am streaming in two directions simultaneously. First from my PC to the iPad via the Airport Express and then from the iPad to back to the Airport Express.

The iPad is thus in effect a receiver and transmitter and apart from buffering the song, does not store it.

Now, what I'm leading up to is this.

I would love to use the iPad's iPod application to select songs with, rather than the list way/view of the FileBrowser.

Currently, I have my complete library on the iPad, taking up around 15GB. It would be nice not to have the songs stored on the iPad, but still use the iPod's interface. I now know it can be done - simultaneous streaming to and from the Airport Express :).

Does anyone know of a way of achieving this?
Switch homesharing on on your pc then your iPad should find the library using the iPod app. You can then do exactly what you want.
All working well.

Just one thing I've noticed which is a bit irritating.

When I play directly from the Ipad, all the album covers are always fully "loaded", i.e. scrolling down my 130 albums or so I have on it, all the covers are shown whilst scrolling up or down.

But, when I access my Library from the PC, only a couple of pages are loaded, the remaining only get loaded when you start scrolling.

Initially I thought that if I scrolled down all the way, it would fill all the images and then they would all remain there. But no, as you scroll back up, the previously loaded images need to be reloaded.

Any way around that?
Hmm...I think I've solved myself. I installed the Remote App onto my iPad and now all album covers remain cached.
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Looks like I spoke too soon (again :( ). The images are still not being cached so that a redraw occurs when you scroll throughout all your albums. As I said, it does NOT occur when using the library in the iPad.
Its because its streaming all that data live from your itunes library, presumably it isn't caching much, and I don't know of a setting to change that.

This is unlike the album already on your ipad which are stored locally not streamed.
Yes, I have noticed that the iPad continuously updates itself wrt the server. When I added a new album for example, I noticed that it appeared on the iPad within a couple of min if not less. So it looks like it does the synching continuously rather than just on opening the App.

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