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Convert B&N books to IBooks


iPF Noob
Is there an easy way to covert my B&N Nook books to be able to read in Ibooks. I tried to copy them over when connecting my iPad to my PC but they come out with errors when you try and open them.
There needs to be a universal app I have books in kindle, iBooks, bn and ereader. I would prefer to use one app for all of them I have used stanza but there always seems to be errors in them.
The Kindle app will let you read the Wall St. Journal...but I understand your desire for a universal reader.
The cost is the reason I have books in all of the ereader apps some I only have a few books on others I have over sixty books so that is my desire to have a universal app so I don't have to remember what book I purchased for what app they would all be in one like a real book shelf

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