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iBook unstable with too many books loaded

You are absolutely correct that there are many thousands of books available free. My own library is now well over 5,000. Yes, I will never be able to read them all. I also have a pretty large music collection, though nowhere in the 5,000 range.

You are also correct that the iPad and other reading devices are limited. Though I don't know of any documentation that the device(s) were not designed to contain vast ebook libraries-- it is a reasonable assumption, based on the use of thousands (now millions of users). Is this a limitation? Absolutely. Is it a limitation that most users understand? Maybe. Is it a limitation that most users can overlook? Absolutely. If you can't, I can understand that too. Then the iPad and other reading devices currently on the market may not be for you.

I imagine that it won't be long until we have tablets and ereaders (maybe only with a software upgrade) that can index tens of thousands of titles. Obviously computers can handle large numbers of files like that. But then there will probably be someone who says the device is limited because it won't handle their 5 million books.

All of our electronic tools are limited in some way or another-- either because of current technology, because of the vision of the designers, and sometimes because of simple expedience. It was probably the latter in the case of the iPad. The designers of the iPad could have created a device to easily handle tens of thousands of media files. It might have cost slightly more, and may have taken more time to get to market. But they, apparently correctly judging by sales, decided that most people wouldn't use their iPads in that way. They may have been swayed by the fact that users of Sony Readers and Kindles took those same limitations in stride. Do I know that's what happened? Of course not. It's a guess. It seems reasonable though.

Well say +5 thank’s
@ Plane

Dude, just put iPadOne on ignore. I did within the first two days of being a member here at the suggestion of another member who was equally annoyed by him and it's made my experience here that much better.

At one point in the middle of a thread about an iPad neoprene sleeve, which I said I thought was unsightly, he busted out of nowhere with how my Camaro is ugly as hell, and then proceeded to inexplicably complain for half a thread (and into other threads I might add) about how I was talking about my car even though he was the one that brought it up. He even complained that we were talking about cars in the "Anything Goes" section to the point where the mods had to moderate his posts. :confused::confused::confused:

Not to mention his English makes my eyes bleed.



I did not know that the ignore feature was available on this forum. I feel like a free man now, no more silly attacks on me for simple questions. Placing him on ignore makes this thread so much smoother looking.

Two thumbs up for you!
@planemech..... I know you trashed the idea (and me) for suggesting it before, but Stanza is worth a try as well. It is now a universal app. I don't really think it will work the way you want, but it is free and worth at least a try....
No problem. I just wish vB forums completely hid the posts of people on ignore. Oh well, here's to a smoother thread for you. :)
@planemech..... I know you trashed the idea (and me) for suggesting it before, but Stanza is worth a try as well. It is now a universal app. I don't really think it will work the way you want, but it is free and worth at least a try....


My apologies if it sounded like I trashed you. I generally do not like iPod apps on the iPad, but I will give it a try based on your suggestion.

Thank you,
@planemech..... I know you trashed the idea (and me) for suggesting it before, but Stanza is worth a try as well. It is now a universal app. I don't really think it will work the way you want, but it is free and worth at least a try....


My apologies if it sounded like I trashed you. I generally do not like iPod apps on the iPad, but I will give it a try based on your suggestion.

Thank you,

It's all good....

If any app would do what you want, I would say it would be Stanza.... It is a bit of a Swiss army knife of ereaders.... I know none of the "mainstream" readers will, but Stanza just might....

Good luck with it....
what an interesting thread! anyway, any idea why my stanza hangs? i put in an adoble file about 5MB . and now it hangs? is it too large for it to handle? i also put the same adoble file to the ibook but it became jumbled after converting it to epub format. and i couldnt installed it in goodreader. it wont load probable because of the size of the file.
Now that Stanza works on the iPad without being an iPhone only app it seems nice, but you have to add your epub books one by one. A bit tough to do with 4000 books. But I did like the better selection of fonts available.
@planemech.... There is a way to add books in bulk... Get Calibre, a free program for the computer that converts, organizes etc... your books. After Calibre has your books in it, go the Preferences in Calibre. Select the server tab. Then check the box that says something like start server automatically and also the button to turn the server on.

If your iPad is on the same WIFI as your computer, you can now move books to the iPad with ease. Leave Calibre open on the computer and start Stanza on the iPad. In Stanza select "get books".... after a moment you should see Calibre on your computer and then can navigate to books. I think if you select an author and touch the little downarrow on the top right of the screen it will download all books by that author....

Anyway, try it if you want to....
Can I store my ebooks (most pdf fprmat) onto my ipad in a specific folder so that I can read them without going on line especially that there is no wifi available in the area. Hoping that some body can shed some light. Thanks.
If you got Good Reader, you can organize them into folders etc and read them that way. Also, you don't need an internet connection to read them through iBooks, just to shop for them. Once they get downloaded you don't need a connection anymore.
Have read this post with wonder, especially considering the limited RAM of the current iPad, and wondered if the OP had considered transporting elephants in the family hatchback................
Have read this post with wonder, especially considering the limited RAM of the current iPad, and wondered if the OP had considered transporting elephants in the family hatchback................

I see you have joined the group that does not understand the question, the issue or the iPad.

Thanks for nothing. Just another user to go on the ignore list.

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