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iBook unstable with too many books loaded

Last try,

The reason you are having problems with your iPad and posting here asking for help is that you are using it in a way it was not designed to be used. The iPad is a portable device that is designed to be tied to a computer (via iTunes). It is not designed to be a mass storage device.

I could drag my desktop around the house with a long cord and come on a forum and complain about how clumsy it is to use. But the problem would not be with the desktop, the problem would be how I was trying to use it. You can continue to try to use the iPad your way, but you will continue to have problems. We are giving you the only answer there is to your question. You can argue all you want but it does not change the facts.....

If you cannot live without 4000 books on your portable device, I would suggest a laptop. But, even there you might run into some database issues, especially over time.........

The only other option to try that I can think of is to install Stanza. It is an iPhone app, and will not display all that great on the iPad.... but maybe they have a different database system... I honestly doubt it, but Stanza is free and worth at least a little time to test....

Edit: I suggested Stanza because it is the only other epub reader that will run on the iPad other than iBooks. And since your "problem" is with the iBooks program perhaps Stanza will be different. Also I would not be surprised if another third party epub reader came out as the iPad software matures....

Good luck to you!

Do you have any link or documentation that the iPad was not designed as an "archive" device. Where do you make the split between an archive device and an eReader? 100 books? 200 books? 2000 books? This is what I am disputing on your posts. You post your comment as if you have some insider knowledge on how the unit was designed and what it was intended for. If you don';t then you are either making assumptions or acting as an Apple fan. Neither is acceptable. This is a software issue, not a hardware design issue, to me.

Stanza appears to be an iPhone app, not an iPad app. I am not interested in using most iPhone apps on the iPad, as they don't use the full screen real estate.
Do you have any link or documentation that the iPad was not designed as an "archive" device. Where do you make the split between an archive device and an eReader? 100 books? 200 books? 2000 books? This is what I am disputing on your posts. You post your comment as if you have some insider knowledge on how the unit was designed and what it was intended for. If you don';t then you are either making assumptions or acting as an Apple fan. Neither is acceptable. This is a software issue, not a hardware design issue, to me.

Stanza appears to be an iPhone app, not an iPad app. I am not interested in using most iPhone apps on the iPad, as they don't use the full screen real estate.

OK , seem’s YOU HAVE A PROBLEM , but untill we didn’t reply you what you want to listen nobody is right, everybody with a little knowledge will told you iPad is not storage device … you want to upload a giant quantity of ebook in a software be made for manage a reasonable quantity of book … the database management can’t be the same no need to be a genius for understand that … same stupid idea why not charge 60Gb of song in your iPad you will see if iTunes will work fine

We have to apologize in the name of Apple because you can’t upload and manage your 3700 e-book , witch i believe most of them be pirated in torrent not only because you are from Beijing also because that made at 10$ each a global amount of 37.000 US$ witch is difficult to believe you spend this amount only in e-book you will only read 10% in all your life
Wow, quite the angry bunch we have here. The only ones getting upset are people like yourself. This is not a personal issue, this is a device issue. That is very clear and simple.

Is it a bit racist to make claims about a persons behavior based solely on where they are located? I guess you will have to look inside yourself and answer that one.

There are easily over 30,000 ebooks available for free. Project Gutenberg is one well known source. There are many others as well.

I have never said "nobody is right". What I have ASKED for his something to back up claims made here. It was CLAIMED, several times, that the iPad is not DESIGNED to support thousands of books. If you are making statements about the DESIGN of a device I would expect that you either have some inside knowledge or you have a link to a webpage that backs up your claim. DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE THAT? As it is the device is sold as an ebook reader. NOWHERE is there any mention of a limitation on how many books you can have on the device. I am using less than 7% of my device memory, yet the app acts buggy. THIS IS A SIMPLE FACT and not really something to debate, definitely not something to get angry about. Many angry people here, all I am looking for is additional information and some help. What I am getting back is unsubstantiated claims about the design of the device and ANGER. Not sure why this is, but if thats what this place is about then I probably won't be able to change it.

Regardless of how some here want to make this about me, it is in fact all about the limitations of either the iPad or the App. Why advertise an ebook reader that supports less than 7% of the available memory. BTW, I have 8000 or so songs on my iPod, NONE OF THEM ARE BOOTLEG. I have been collecting digital music for the past 20 years, since the time when CD players cost well over $1,000. My iPod does not act unstable or buggy, but my iPad does.
Wow, quite the angry bunch we have here. The only ones getting upset are people like yourself. This is not a personal issue, this is a device issue. That is very clear and simple.

Is it a bit racist to make claims about a persons behavior based solely on where they are located? I guess you will have to look inside yourself and answer that one.

iPadOne said:
i believe most of them be pirated in torrent not only because you are from Beijing also because that made at 10$ each a global amount of 37.000 US$

lucky me i have clearly notice is not only from where you come, nothing is personal here we reply to you what we can but if you need and official reply with link and certificate you are welcome to go to : Apple

There are easily over 30,000 ebooks available for free. Project Gutenberg is one well known source. There are many others as well.
Wow you wana be the memory of the ancient time ??? as no one of this book can be younger than 70 years

I have never said "nobody is right". What I have ASKED for his something to back up claims made here. It was CLAIMED, several times, that the iPad is not DESIGNED to support thousands of books. If you are making statements about the DESIGN of a device I would expect that you either have some inside knowledge or you have a link to a webpage that backs up your claim. DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE THAT? As it is the device is sold as an ebook reader. NOWHERE is there any mention of a limitation on how many books you can have on the device. I am using less than 7% of my device memory, yet the app acts buggy. THIS IS A SIMPLE FACT and not really something to debate, definitely not something to get angry about. Many angry people here, all I am looking for is additional information and some help. What I am getting back is unsubstantiated claims about the design of the device and ANGER. Not sure why this is, but if thats what this place is about then I probably won't be able to change it.

Regardless of how some here want to make this about me, it is in fact all about the limitations of either the iPad or the App. Why advertise an ebook reader that supports less than 7% of the available memory. BTW, I have 8000 or so songs on my iPod, NONE OF THEM ARE BOOTLEG. I have been collecting digital music for the past 20 years, since the time when CD players cost well over $1,000. My iPod does not act unstable or buggy, but my iPad does.

ok so based on you all software company have to made a statement , like you can’t download 3 Go PDF file each , or 12 Go video will be slow … if you can’t understand what reasonable mean nobody can help you

Anyway enjoy your game
There are easily over 30,000 ebooks available for free. Project Gutenberg is one well known source. There are many others as well.

I have never said "nobody is right". What I have ASKED for his something to back up claims made here. It was CLAIMED, several times, that the iPad is not DESIGNED to support thousands of books. If you are making statements about the DESIGN of a device I would expect that you either have some inside knowledge or you have a link to a webpage that backs up your claim. DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE THAT? As it is the device is sold as an ebook reader. NOWHERE is there any mention of a limitation on how many books you can have on the device. I am using less than 7% of my device memory, yet the app acts buggy. THIS IS A SIMPLE FACT and not really something to debate, definitely not something to get angry about. Many angry people here, all I am looking for is additional information and some help. What I am getting back is unsubstantiated claims about the design of the device and ANGER. Not sure why this is, but if thats what this place is about then I probably won't be able to change it.

Regardless of how some here want to make this about me, it is in fact all about the limitations of either the iPad or the App. Why advertise an ebook reader that supports less than 7% of the available memory. BTW, I have 8000 or so songs on my iPod, NONE OF THEM ARE BOOTLEG. I have been collecting digital music for the past 20 years, since the time when CD players cost well over $1,000. My iPod does not act unstable or buggy, but my iPad does.

You are absolutely correct that there are many thousands of books available free. My own library is now well over 5,000. Yes, I will never be able to read them all. I also have a pretty large music collection, though nowhere in the 5,000 range.

You are also correct that the iPad and other reading devices are limited. Though I don't know of any documentation that the device(s) were not designed to contain vast ebook libraries-- it is a reasonable assumption, based on the use of thousands (now millions of users). Is this a limitation? Absolutely. Is it a limitation that most users understand? Maybe. Is it a limitation that most users can overlook? Absolutely. If you can't, I can understand that too. Then the iPad and other reading devices currently on the market may not be for you.

I imagine that it won't be long until we have tablets and ereaders (maybe only with a software upgrade) that can index tens of thousands of titles. Obviously computers can handle large numbers of files like that. But then there will probably be someone who says the device is limited because it won't handle their 5 million books.

All of our electronic tools are limited in some way or another-- either because of current technology, because of the vision of the designers, and sometimes because of simple expedience. It was probably the latter in the case of the iPad. The designers of the iPad could have created a device to easily handle tens of thousands of media files. It might have cost slightly more, and may have taken more time to get to market. But they, apparently correctly judging by sales, decided that most people wouldn't use their iPads in that way. They may have been swayed by the fact that users of Sony Readers and Kindles took those same limitations in stride. Do I know that's what happened? Of course not. It's a guess. It seems reasonable though.
There are easily over 30,000 ebooks available for free. Project Gutenberg is one well known source. There are many others as well.

I have never said "nobody is right". What I have ASKED for his something to back up claims made here. It was CLAIMED, several times, that the iPad is not DESIGNED to support thousands of books. If you are making statements about the DESIGN of a device I would expect that you either have some inside knowledge or you have a link to a webpage that backs up your claim. DOES ANYONE HERE HAVE THAT? As it is the device is sold as an ebook reader. NOWHERE is there any mention of a limitation on how many books you can have on the device. I am using less than 7% of my device memory, yet the app acts buggy. THIS IS A SIMPLE FACT and not really something to debate, definitely not something to get angry about. Many angry people here, all I am looking for is additional information and some help. What I am getting back is unsubstantiated claims about the design of the device and ANGER. Not sure why this is, but if thats what this place is about then I probably won't be able to change it.

Regardless of how some here want to make this about me, it is in fact all about the limitations of either the iPad or the App. Why advertise an ebook reader that supports less than 7% of the available memory. BTW, I have 8000 or so songs on my iPod, NONE OF THEM ARE BOOTLEG. I have been collecting digital music for the past 20 years, since the time when CD players cost well over $1,000. My iPod does not act unstable or buggy, but my iPad does.

You are absolutely correct that there are many thousands of books available free. My own library is now well over 5,000. Yes, I will never be able to read them all. I also have a pretty large music collection, though nowhere in the 5,000 range.

You are also correct that the iPad and other reading devices are limited. Though I don't know of any documentation that the device(s) were not designed to contain vast ebook libraries-- it is a reasonable assumption, based on the use of thousands (now millions of users). Is this a limitation? Absolutely. Is it a limitation that most users understand? Maybe. Is it a limitation that most users can overlook? Absolutely. If you can't, I can understand that too. Then the iPad and other reading devices currently on the market may not be for you.

I imagine that it won't be long until we have tablets and ereaders (maybe only with a software upgrade) that can index tens of thousands of titles. Obviously computers can handle large numbers of files like that. But then there will probably be someone who says the device is limited because it won't handle their 5 million books.

All of our electronic tools are limited in some way or another-- either because of current technology, because of the vision of the designers, and sometimes because of simple expedience. It was probably the latter in the case of the iPad. The designers of the iPad could have created a device to easily handle tens of thousands of media files. It might have cost slightly more, and may have taken more time to get to market. But they, apparently correctly judging by sales, decided that most people wouldn't use their iPads in that way. They may have been swayed by the fact that users of Sony Readers and Kindles took those same limitations in stride. Do I know that's what happened? Of course not. It's a guess. It seems reasonable though.


Finally a reasonable response that does not make assumptions.

I agree with everything you say. Are their limitations? Sure. Should I expect a car with a 20 gallon tank to only be able to use 3 gallons of fuel per trip, then I need to refill the tank with 3 different gallons? Of course not, and I think you agree.

I like to have my audio and video library with me. I have eclectic tastes, they vary widely and one minute I am listening to Count Bassie, the next I could be listening to Flo Ri Da and his rap. Why should I be limited on my books? I shouldn't. The only limitation on my iPod is the total memory size, not 5% of the memory.

Let's be clear. I think Apple makes TERRIFIC PRODUCTS, and I bought my iPad on release weekend. I use it every day and think it is better than all other tablets, slates and netbooks and could very possibly make a dent in the desktop and laptop market as well. Maybe not Version 1, but certainly as versions 2, 3 and 4 come out.

All products are limited. But it simply amazes me that people will claim this is a reasonable assumption. The iPad is sold, at least in part, as an ereader. The iPod was sold as a music device. Does anyone reasonably think that a 80gb iPod should only be able to manage 6gb of music before becoming unstable? Really? I don't, and I think anyone who is being honest with themselves would believe the same as I do.

When someone makes a claim, especially when they say it is clear and obvious, they should be able to back up that claim. Not attack the poster or tell them to go to Apple.com and complain. THEY made the claim, not Apple. If they can not back up their assertion they should retract it. When you posted you clearly said that you think and you believe but you did not say THIS IS THE WAY THE DEVICE WAS DESIGNED. PERIOD. END OF STORY. That type of claim is false and misleading.

Thank you again for the first reasonable response on this page. The thread started out helpful and then a few people swooped in to attack. Too bad they couldn't be more helpful.
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Thank you again for the first reasonable response on this page. The thread started out helpful and then a few people swooped in to attack. Too bad they couldn't be more helpful.

We try to help you but you refuse to listen …. your trouble only come with your quantity of e-book but you insist … so what more we can say …

Let me give you a personal example i have 300 Go of song in a external HD (thank’s Kazaa, e-mule & Torrent) so i start to made playlist (almost 300) when i start to use it with window media player … lot of bug . so i decide to split in 3 playlist and song and after that work like a charm … most of us here have experience in digital file and management … the you start to request evidence and pretend we are wrong …. so it’s ok just do what you want and cry in your corner
We try to help you but you refuse to listen …. your trouble only come with your quantity of e-book but you insist … so what more we can say …

You try to HELP? Sorry, making unsubstatiated claims about a new product is not help, it is called "assuming". The claims were not made as a theory, as in "I think you may have a problem with the database, too bad Apple didn't do better". The claims were "We know for a fact that the iPad is not an Archive device and you are too stupid to listen to us smart people". That is not helpful. When you stated something as a fact I asked for further information and I was told the same assumption again, or to pound sand. Again, not helpful.

...then you start to request evidence and pretend we are wrong …. so it’s ok just do what you want and cry in your corner

Amazing how badly you can read what I wrote.

You claimed something as a FACT. If it was a FACT you would have something to back that up, something that I could research further to see if in fact I was wrong after all the research (daily and across many websites) I did and that maybe you were right. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. In return I was called stupid, whiny and go cry in the corner. Once again, not helpful on your part.

So I will make the same simple request, humbly, that I made in the first place. "Do you have anything to back up your claim that the iPad is not intended to be used solely for books?" I would appreciate some answer other than "You are stupid, cry in the corner, you ignore us smart people".

We try to help you but you refuse to listen …. your trouble only come with your quantity of e-book but you insist … so what more we can say …

You try to HELP? Sorry, making unsubstatiated claims about a new product is not help, it is called "assuming". The claims were not made as a theory, as in "I think you may have a problem with the database, too bad Apple didn't do better". The claims were "We know for a fact that the iPad is not an Archive device and you are too stupid to listen to us smart people". That is not helpful. When you stated something as a fact I asked for further information and I was told the same assumption again, or to pound sand. Again, not helpful.

...then you start to request evidence and pretend we are wrong …. so it’s ok just do what you want and cry in your corner

Amazing how badly you can read what I wrote.

You claimed something as a FACT. If it was a FACT you would have something to back that up, something that I could research further to see if in fact I was wrong after all the research (daily and across many websites) I did and that maybe you were right. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. In return I was called stupid, whiny and go cry in the corner. Once again, not helpful on your part.

So I will make the same simple request, humbly, that I made in the first place. "Do you have anything to back up your claim that the iPad is not intended to be used solely for books?" I would appreciate some answer other than "You are stupid, cry in the corner, you ignore us smart people".


your brain is like a brick you wan’t official statement so i would suggest you to go to Apple support you will got everything you want, if you want to listen people have daily experience in digital file management that different …. far as i know ‘'Bremen’’ use e-book reader and file for several years and my self and my self i manage and develop electronics devices software& hardware for almost 20 years .. based on that i guess our opinion have to be listen .. if you want my resume and reference for confirm what i say have value send me an official request and i will consider if i have time to spend to reply to an e-book collector
We try to help you but you refuse to listen …. your trouble only come with your quantity of e-book but you insist … so what more we can say …

You try to HELP? Sorry, making unsubstatiated claims about a new product is not help, it is called "assuming". The claims were not made as a theory, as in "I think you may have a problem with the database, too bad Apple didn't do better". The claims were "We know for a fact that the iPad is not an Archive device and you are too stupid to listen to us smart people". That is not helpful. When you stated something as a fact I asked for further information and I was told the same assumption again, or to pound sand. Again, not helpful.

...then you start to request evidence and pretend we are wrong …. so it’s ok just do what you want and cry in your corner

Amazing how badly you can read what I wrote.

You claimed something as a FACT. If it was a FACT you would have something to back that up, something that I could research further to see if in fact I was wrong after all the research (daily and across many websites) I did and that maybe you were right. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. In return I was called stupid, whiny and go cry in the corner. Once again, not helpful on your part.

So I will make the same simple request, humbly, that I made in the first place. "Do you have anything to back up your claim that the iPad is not intended to be used solely for books?" I would appreciate some answer other than "You are stupid, cry in the corner, you ignore us smart people".


your brain is like a brick you wan’t official statement so i would suggest you to go to Apple support you will got everything you want,


Everything but something that backs up your assumption. You made the claim, a claim you clearly can't back up and now seem afraid to be shown for the fraud you are.

if you want to listen people have daily experience in digital file management that different ….


If I wanted to listen to such people I wouldn't be posting on an anonymous internet bulletin board. I would search out that person and speak to them directly. Someone with that background would most likely not attack someone out of fear on an IBB.

far as i know ‘'Bremen’’ use e-book reader and file for several years and my self and my self i manage and develop electronics devices software& hardware for almost 20 years .. based on that i guess our opinion have to be listen ..

I will give this claim as much as credit as your other assumptions. None.

if you want my resume and reference for confirm what i say have value send me an official request and i will consider if i have time to spend to reply to an e-book collector

Don't bother, I am trying to have a civil discussion with someone making apparently false claims on the internet. I have done nothing but ask questions and seek clarification. Now you continue your personal attacks and attempt to belittle me. Play your game elsewhere. Hopefully someone who has something to contribute will join this thread. You have not contributed anything, at least nothing you care to back up when you are when questioned.
Don't bother, I am trying to have a civil discussion with someone making apparently false claims on the internet. I have done nothing but ask questions and seek clarification. Now you continue your personal attacks and attempt to belittle me. Play your game elsewhere. Hopefully someone who has something to contribute will join this thread. You have not contributed anything, at least nothing you care to back up when you are when questioned.

So keep your infinite science, concerning the personal attacks if i am not wrong i have see an insult from you to a member have try to reply you, in term of contribution i will let everybody judge your one … concerning the question i have read one to you : why you can’t live without some thousand e-book in your device everytime yet i didn’t see any reply ….
… concerning the question i have read one to you : why you can’t live without some thousand e-book in your device everytime yet i didn’t see any reply ….

The answer is in an earlier post, you just need to read it.

But you seemed to have missed it so I will say it again. Reason 1. Because I can. Reason 2, Why not. Reason 3, my iPad is used by my whole family and we have wide reading tastes. Reason 4, I usually am reading 3 to 4 different things at any one time, so I might be in the middle of three books, 2 or 3 magazines and surfing the web during any one week. Reason 5, I travel extensively and can't always have my laptop out and working, but I can have the iPad in use during most of the times my laptop is not permitted.
@ Plane

Dude, just put iPadOne on ignore. I did within the first two days of being a member here at the suggestion of another member who was equally annoyed by him and it's made my experience here that much better.

At one point in the middle of a thread about an iPad neoprene sleeve, which I said I thought was unsightly, he busted out of nowhere with how my Camaro is ugly as hell, and then proceeded to inexplicably complain for half a thread (and into other threads I might add) about how I was talking about my car even though he was the one that brought it up. He even complained that we were talking about cars in the "Anything Goes" section to the point where the mods had to moderate his posts. :confused::confused::confused:

Not to mention his English makes my eyes bleed.

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