I had some trouble with a converted Movie File, i converted a Movie to x264 mp4, 1240x720, as this is the resolution mostly said for the IPad.
The movie itself had a lower resolution.
Well converting worked, took 4 hours, but after this my PC went CPU 100% once i opend the folder with the mp4 in it...
My question is: Should i rather set resolution and anything to default/automatic instead of forcing the IPad resolution? And if yes will the IPad display the movie as a tiny Window or full screen?
The movie itself had a lower resolution.
Well converting worked, took 4 hours, but after this my PC went CPU 100% once i opend the folder with the mp4 in it...
My question is: Should i rather set resolution and anything to default/automatic instead of forcing the IPad resolution? And if yes will the IPad display the movie as a tiny Window or full screen?