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Copy and paste board ?


iPF Noob
Hey everybody hope is well with you. I have a quick q's for you. How do I if there's a way, go and view all of the last text I chosen to copy and paste. I hope I'm making sense, there has to be a board or something that stores our copy and paste history right? P.s I also did a search here on the forum and nothing showed up. Thanks for your time and patience.
I believe what is copied goes into a temporary buffer and is overwritten each time something else is copied. It may be possible to find an editor or other program that has the ability to store things away in multiple buffers. Insofar as a history of what has been copied/cut and pasted across different apps, no... iOS does not do this at this time.
there's a cydia tweak for jb'd iPads -action menu plus pack - that can bring up the history of copied text strings, among other cool functions.


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Thanks Raymond I really do want to jb my ipad2 but I'm scared I may mess up something and can't unjb for updates. What do you think, I appreciate your input.
i don't understand what you mean by updates... if it's a new ios, updating will overwrite everything, even the JB. if you mean app updates, being JB has no bearing, you can update at your leisure without affecting anything... maybe the mods can explain this much better, hehehe...

there's a sticky on jailbreaking... IT'S SO SIMPLE (EVEN I WAS ABLE TO DO IT)... i haven't seen a thread where someone regretted having JB'd his/her iPad. i certainly enjoy its benefits!

btw, what ios does your phone have?
Thanks f47 I will check this out now. Hey Raymond I've had my ipad2 now since early July. The updates I was concerned about is when IOS 5 is ready.
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Wow all my Jb questions where answered. I followed the directions to Jb by going to jailbreakme.com once their I was greeted with a message saying not available on my device. I have version 4.3.5 on my ipad2.

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