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copy paste functionality is not working in ipad

hi All

I am totally new in the ipad. currently we are accessing one of our j2ee based web based application in ipad.In there one screen we are provide the Link-dialog having one textfield with some link data ,this dialog is as pop up type dialog,so user can copy the link from dialog's textfield and use it for any future reference.

we getting the following issue in ipad

When we access our application from the apple iPad safari browser ,User can not copy the link data from the Link-dialog's textfield,means user can not copy the content of the textfield of the opened dialog,We don't understand why ipad can not copy it? we need the solution for it? if any body have idea then pls help us?

We get the above problem in only in this jsp page structure, it structure is like this Main page having iframe 1 having iframe2 having dialog d1,it means that my link dialog is open in the iframe1 which is reside in the iframe2 which is reside in the main page.

after too much effort we have blindly decide that ipad copy link issue occurs due to use of two iframe? we are not sure about it , it is just our assumption.

any body pls share the perfect root cause of our issue.

For more info we use:strurts 2.0,jsp,core java,jstl tag etc..

Thanks in advance
Yatin Baraiya
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