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Could I make a call using iPad?


iPF Noob
I am just wondering if I could make a regular phone call from my iPad. I know that I could use FaceTime but most of my friends are not using Apple devices.
I know that I could use Skype to place a call but it's not free :)
Could I use Google voice or any other voice over ip app to make a call?
Regular as in to a normal land line or mobile? Not for free no.

Skype does cost as you say, but their prices are sooooo much cheaper than normal phone prices.
I used Talkatone when I was in Spain to make calls to US phone numbers over WiFi. The sound was good and I had no problems. All the calls were free. You just need to set up a gmail account(free).
willywonka said:
I used Talkatone when I was in Spain to make calls to US phone numbers over WiFi. The sound was good and I had no problems. All the calls were free. You just need to set up a gmail account(free).

Well it looks that are absolutely right and using Talkatone allowed me to place a call. I am not sure how it could make international call .... So I bought GC I.e. Google Connect which use Google voice account and now I could place call directly from GC which uses Google voice and Talkatone.
Thanks a lot for a great suggestion.
Unfortunately Whistle now went pay (though cheap) this month, or end of month. Up until then I could make a free call using that app to anywhere in US on my Ipad 1--and now on Ipad 3. Too bad, it was handy. I do have Verizon so guessiing I could since I do have a phone number but not sure--my last Ipad 1 was wifi only so haven't looked into it.

I did find this so wonder if this is still possible.
Your iPad’s a Telephone With Google Voice — Apple News, Tips and Reviews
Diane B said:
Unfortunately Whistle now went pay (though cheap) this month, or end of month. Up until then I could make a free call using that app to anywhere in US on my Ipad 1--and now on Ipad 3. Too bad, it was handy. I do have Verizon so guessiing I could since I do have a phone number but not sure--my last Ipad 1 was wifi only so haven't looked into it.

I did find this so wonder if this is still possible.
Your iPad’s a Telephone With Google Voice — Apple News, Tips and Reviews

This is exactly what I did :)
I've used Talkatone with my Google Voice account and I can tell you that it works fine.

The only thing to remember is that if you turn off and turn on the iPad or remove Talkatone from the multi-task bar - you'll have to start it up again in order to receive calls. It's not like a phone where it'll automatically receive calls, the app has to be running in the background.

Try TextFree with voice + voicemail in the AppStore. They give you 10 minutes free but you can add minutes by either:
*paying for the extra mintures
*watching their videos and provides you with extra minutes.

Also, other people can call your phone number and not effect the minutes.
You can also text from it too.


You can made call , but only using Skype, and this call not free,
You have to buy minutes first after that you able to make calls on mobile and land line numbers.
bravo said:
You can made call , but only using Skype, and this call not free,
You have to buy minutes first after that you able to make calls on mobile and land line numbers.

Well GV + Google voice + Talkatone works perfect for me.
Yes you can ring someone on the iPad using Magic Jack. I have one this many times.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB
Is there a similar app allowing free calls in the UK? I noticed magic jack is for USA/Canada only

You do want a UK version because Magic Jack allows free calls anywhere in the USA. If you get a UK version that would be much more expensive.

Sent from my IPAD 1st generation. WIFI only. 64GB

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