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Could you share some of the useful applications for ipad?


iPF Noob
Id really like to make most out of my pad besides emailing and games. Could you share useful apps? In finance? Games? Entertainment? Books? Etc. Thanks
MyMedia, AirPlayer, OPlayer are really great for media contents.

For productivity, I like pocketcloud that give access to remote computer (vnc/rdp). There is also TypeLink which gives you access to your own wiki system.

And I use ReelDirector for video editing. Works great but iMovies is now available and seems a better option.
I think every iPad user must have GoodReader and AirVideo. See my sig for details about why GoodReader is so awesome.

Add to that my favorite games: Infinity Blade and Settlers HD.

Getting work done with Pages for general word processing, Notes Plus for handwritten notes and Photobucket for putting photos online.
Good reader, whistle phone( turns ur iPad into a VoIP enabled device to send and recieve phone calls and gives ur iPad it's own phone number and it's free!), infinity blade, Dead space and Broke sword for games. Get icab and atomic browser as secondarynfaster browsers thn safari. U want to view flash sites, get swifter. U need a place to hide n secure your passwords, get mSecure and 1password. Need to edit/make documents or whatever, get pages, office hd2, and docs to go. Need alternate media player to play formats other thn apples only supported mp4, get urself CineXplayer, VLC, and AV player. Need a cool radio streaming app, get pandora or tune mark. Need more storage, store ur files n media n the cloud using Dropbox. U like to keep a journal, get maxjournal. Need a better app for notes other thn the one built in, get Penultimate ormNotes plus. Need to know detailed weather forecast, get Weatherbug or Accuweather. Need inspiration every now n then try Quotes HD. You like to view thousands of " Live" cams streaming all over the world, get ISPY. Need a better contacts app, try ContactsP. Clipboard is also great, hard to describe but ill love it. Need some great digital interactive books paving the new wave of technology and books, Get and read Dark Prophecy and Bram stickers Dracula-family edition. ;-)
My number 1 favorite is Olive Tree v.5 Bible app and second would be Documents-To-Go.

Have you used YouVersion Bible? It's one of the most popular on many os systems. I have it on this, my Incredible and my desktop. It's free and offers many downloadable translations for free
I had Olive Tree on my Samsung Omnia but I like Tekarta better on my Incredible as far as paid Bibles

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Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.
You read it correctly, iPad and Tapatalk muhahaha! :D
'Early Edition' is my favorite RSS reader, a lot of people like 'Pulse' and 'Flipboard' but their only okay in my opinion.

'Goodreader' is hands down the best utility App for reading PDF's and moving files between your iPad, computer and online accounts like dropbox and mobileme.

'Photo Transfer' is a great utility for wirelessly moving photos and videos between the iPad and a computer.

'Handoff' is great for pushing web info from your computer to the ipad. I reviewed it here: http://wp.me/pOGwK-LQ

This thread inspired me to start a list of great Apps that I love to use: http://wp.me/POGwK-VO

Here's an article I wrote that mentions a lot of other things you might find helpful: http://wp.me/pOGwK-Iv
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iBooks and GoodReader, if you don't already have them. If you want to create documents (Word, PDF), get Pages. The Kindle app is useful, because Amazon has a wider selection than iBooks. I have several other apps, but the ones I listed are the ones I use the most.

All of them are free or really cheap, with the exception of Pages ($10). I've only recently gotten Pages, but I already see that it will be very useful.
My most used apps other than the included items are:
Pulse (Papers and periodicals)
River of news (RSS feeds)
AirVideo (actually prefer Zumocast but motorola withdrew it)
NoteTaker HD

Still training Zite so it's on trial status atm.

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