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Couple IOS 9 thoughts


iPF Novice
I updated a couple iPads to 9.0.1. Updates went fine and they run smooth. Is it just me or did we loose the the speed of app switching using the small icons at the top when several apps are open? Rather than the slower, swiping through the large app views. Not a big fan at all of having to swipe the opposite direction either. This bother anyone else? I'll get used to it.

Slide over, i know we will have to wait for more app support but any way to remove the ones we dont want?
Swiping the other way is weird. However, if you're holding an iPhone in your right hand, it's probably more natural.

I'll get used to it eventually. The new app switcher is still awkward and jerky on my iPad 3. Not a problem worth $600 to solve.

The worst part is the sudden, random crashing of apps that never had so much as a hiccup before.
Maybe some of the apps that have been updated to work properly with iOS 9 require more processing resources than the older iPads can easily provide?
For me and my iPad Air, iOS 9 is not as smooth as 8 was. This has me seriously reconsidering buying another iPhone early next year when my contract is up.
Have to say 9.01 is the worst update so far on an iPad 2. Slow and occasional freezes. Also getting "Problem loading this page so it was reloaded" messages on this forum but no others.

Have reset multiple times with no change.
One thing I do after every iOS update is the usual sleep/ home button reset and I always do a "reset all settings" as well. For me that seems to smoothen things out a slight but noticeable amount more over the usual. Then since all my settings will be back to default AND to familiarize myself with the new OS changes (and because it seems some settings change on their own sometimes:eek:) I go through each and every setting one by one and make changes as if it were new. I think afterwords things run smoother, I know my settings are where I want them and I end up making some other subtle changes just for the sake of a change!
One thing I do after every iOS update is the usual sleep/ home button reset and I always do a "reset all settings" as well. For me that seems to smoothen things out a slight but noticeable amount more over the usual. Then since all my settings will be back to default AND to familiarize myself with the new OS changes (and because it seems some settings change on their own sometimes:eek:) I go through each and every setting one by one and make changes as if it were new. I think afterwords things run smoother, I know my settings are where I want them and I end up making some other subtle changes just for the sake of a change!
Yours seems to be the only reasonable way to handle the unwanted modifications of a new OS. Providing one knows how to do it and is sure that the apps that don't open or take ages to work are such, so to say, by nature or because they have not been updated to the current OS. My experience with iOS 9 (including the newest version 9.02) are disappointing. Some apps, in particular news websites, book and press readers, open very slowly or dont't open at all unless I boost and clean the device (iPad Air 120 GB). And what's the worst, the battery lasts much shorter than with the previous OSs (I have to charge at least once a day)
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