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Create PDF from webpage?

Print to PDF app

Give 'Print to PDF' a look.

[I'd elaborate but I just posted a similar suggestion to a similar question on another site's forum and don't want to risk sounding like a shill. I have no connection with the author of the app]
Just though I'd add a useful tip which is vaguely related.

I frequently find myself saving web pages and I do it through Instapaper and Evernote.
Instapaper saves the meat of the page minus all the unnecessary clutter of ads and like links etc..
Instapaper has a share option which allows you to send the tidied up page to evernote. It even allows you to specify the notebook you want it saved in.
Because of the recommendation on Print To PDF, I purchased and downloaded it. The functionality is just what was asked for here in the beginning and one which I have been desiring and looking for myself. The documents, after converstion to PDF are stored in a directroy structure within that app, which is as I suppose it has to be, although they can be opened in other apps. I did send a message to the develpers suggesting they provide a way to collapse the left sidebar so that documents being reviewed in their app can be viewed full-screen. But other than that, it is good and just what I was looking for.

My favorite program for the PC which is comparable - PDF995 - hasn't gotten in the app development market yet, I guess. This'll do.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
I also bought "Print to PDF", and it works great. However, recently I found it does not convert all web pages into PDF. For example, when I tried to print Yahoo Mail in safari, it did not convert the whole page. It only created partial web page and the result looked weird!

Anyone tried to convert Yahoo Mail in iphone and ipad? Both did not work for me. Also, may you guys help me how to add those URL in my bookmark in safari? I could not find a way to make it into my bookmark.

I use Web to PDF. It also has a function for combining web pages into a single PDF that you can rename.
Abookin said:
I'm using PDF Provider. It has some additional options. I can convert web pages to PDFs as well as documents (such as word, excel, powerpoint, etc). It also allows to merge converted pdfs.
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=6127"/>

The ability to merge PDF files is an especially useful function. Thank you for letting me know.
For iPhone and iPad try, get Webpage Capture by Endicosoft from the appStore.

For Windows , search Google for Webpage Capture by Endicosoft.com
How about PDF Converter for the iPhone and iPad? With this app all you do is type PDF at the beginning of the URL you're looking at and press return/enter and the app turns the webpage into a PDF file you can save to GoodReader or iBook.
bobblehead said:
You can just use renderhtml.com and download the PDF.

I tried the website you suggested and it produces better results than the web to PDF app I bought.

Thanks for the tip!

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