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creating the ipad equivalent of school workbooks


iPF Noob
I'm a teacher and I've written several grammar workbooks for my students, meaning 8.5x11 books in which they circle and underline things and write answers in words. I'm in the process of publishing my books as paperback on Lulu, and I want to do an electronic version for ipad because my school is transitioning to ipads for students.

I'm new with ipads, so I'm wondering how I can create an ebook of my workbooks that my students can buy for ipad and in which they can write their answers (either with stylus or keyboard). I've seen students take iwork documents and fill in worksheets with them (for example, when they need to write some words in boxes on a graphic organizer), but I want a format that I can sell with DRM. If I sold them a pdf via Lulu ebooks, would they be able to annotate it in a way that was like writing in a physical workbook?

thanks for any advice.
Wow! This is a wondeful concept of using the iPad in education. I personally do not have experience here, but am also curious to hear from an experienced user on this note.

Using this workbook concept could totally revolutionize the education arena. It would be so much more economical and green for the world.
I am a tech support professional employed in a publicly funded university. I currently maintain two mobile Mac labs and a fixed lab for the College of Education. I am investigating replacing one of the mobile labs comprised of 46 MacBook with IPads for fall 2014. This lab is used to teach K-12 teachers to leverage technology for content delivery and performance assessment. The bulk of the Professors that currently use the mobile lab are focused on using technology to allow their students to create content, since they are not interested in giving up the "fountain of knowledge" paradigm.
I hope to convince them to reverse their perception and leverage online content delivery using these devices.
for an example of how this might work see; Khan Academy on Ted.com.
A pdf should work since there are several apps that support decent annotation features. I use Good Reader. However, I'm not sure if any of them support DRMed pdf files.

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