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creating your own apps?

Programming for iOs is fun, it has a steep learning curve, but if you get to grips with it, it really makes sense and Apple has a wonderful suite off development apps (called Xcode).

If you feel like learning how to develop your own apps you can do so for free. Go to iTunes on your iPad, click on 'iTunesU' at the bottom right hand side, select 'Universities and Colleges', then scroll to Stanford. Scroll right through the courses and you'll find a two-part, 25 lectures per part, course on programming iPad apps. It's free and, by the end of the course, you'll be able to program some simple apps yourself. It's a great resource from one of the best Universities in the world.


Thanks for that TIP. That is Awesome!
It's working fine just now - in Scotland!! You could spend a lifetime watching lectures - some seriously interesting stuff there....



Think I'll stick with the iBook selection, some serious storage needed for the iTunes version lol

Or maybe I'm just a hog and want to download everything that is free :)
It's working fine just now - in Scotland!! You could spend a lifetime watching lectures - some seriously interesting stuff there....



Think I'll stick with the iBook selection, some serious storage needed for the iTunes version lol

Or maybe I'm just a hog and want to download everything that is free :)
The University Pod casts are free.
I see two courses for iPhone app development, I assume those are what you mean. However, I'm a pretty much die-hard PC/Windows guy (apart from my new baby) and do not have an OS X system that I can develop in. From my preliminary investigation it appears that I'd have to jump through some hoops to run Snow Leopard in a virtual box in Windows and the other alternative is to settle for HTML 5 app development. I would like to play around with iOS app development and the entire SDK, but not if it means spending hundreds of dollars getting a miniMac or something.

Any advice for a would-be iOS/iPad app developer coming from a Windows background and with only PC/Windows tools at hand?
loquita4 said:
I too do not want to spend $ on a Mac..I just got an iPad and was wondering if I can create apps from it.

You can if you jailbreak your iPad. Cydia has an iPad SDK, but don't look to sell your app in the Apple App Store.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
ecrosswordshd said:
I recommend you to register as an Apple Developer and start creating your apps right now!, you will not regret!

I've ordered the Mac OSX 10.6.4 Snow Leopard DVD which I plan to run virtualized on my Vista PC. I'll download the iPhone/iPad SDK and then I'll be able to create my own apps once I've learned Objective-C. I know I could never market any apps I create unless I'm a registered developer with Apple.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Would it work If I will install OS X from VM WARE to Windows 7 and then Used it to do SKD to create apps ?

There are guides to instal Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) in VMWare and Virtualbox. Also for creating a Hackintosh. You will need a reasonably recent PC (with virtualisation support such as an i5 or one of the newer core 2 duo / quads) otherwise it won't run very well.

I have both a Hackintosh and A VMware version of OS X (at $39 for OSX it is cheaper than running Windows virtualised) and I have XCode installed and running in the VM. You cannot run something like Final Cut in a VM as it checks for real graphics hardware and VWare and Virtualbox don't fool it (but at $1500 for Final Cut creating a Hackintosh doesn't seen so over the top). XCode runs fine.

I use VMWare Player V3 and I also tried VirtualBox V4.04. Both worked okay but I ended up using VMWare Player as that is the one that was installed when I created my final image. There is little to favour one over the other.

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