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Crime City Friends needed

Add me : 220 356 568 and 919 818 477

And join the German syndicate: 869334892
Building output increase: +20%
Gun defense increase: +10%
Car defense increase: +5%
Melee defense increase: +20%
Building defense increase: +20%
Armor Defense Increase: +10%
Fight respect payout: +15%
Syndicate Member increase: +4
only for Daily Players who help the syndicate to grow by donating money and who have stats higher then attack 20K and defense 20K. Please ensure that you are not in another faction when you request to join our faction! Otherwise it will not work.
AZDA syndicate looking for adnl members. Fighting starts today (they cut out a few events and sped this up!)....Looking for adnl members. Good bonuses here! 864577622

Fight Payout Respect: 10%
Job Payout: 5%
Car Defense: 15%
Bldg Output: 20%
Mele Attack: 5%
Melee Defense: 25%
Gun Defense: 25%
Armor Attack: 10%
Armor Defense: 15%
Bldg Defense: 20%
Hidehout Health: 10%
Member Increase: +10

We cleared out some non donating members and have 8 openings. 864577622
My ALLY CODE: 212 864 037 Carlito Brigante
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Hello. My ID is 614686688 If you're looking for a syndicate to join, The Justice League..... 763657778 We only have 2 spots at the moment, and are looking for the best. We have over 40 upgrades, including +25% building output!! Can't wait to hear from you, Have a great day!!
join the German syndicate, rank 373 in midtown: 869334892, we have again places free! International players welcome!
Building output increase: +20%
Gun defense increase: +20%
Car defense increase: +10%
Melee defense increase: +25%
Building defense increase: +20%
Armor Defense Increase: +10%
Armor Attack: +5%
Fight respect payout: +15%
Syndicate Member increase: +4
only for Daily Players who help the syndicate to grow by donating money and who have stats higher then attack 20.000 and defense 20.000.
Please ensure that you are not in another faction when you request to join our faction! Otherwise the system will not allow us to accept your request!
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