iPF Noob
i been takeing class part time on CSI Crime Scene Forensics photos ..basically it teaching me how to take crime scene photos and the set up of the takeing the photos for plotting out the crime scene in the grids or patterns that we are learning to shoot in or the CSI effect as it know in the school ..
the person who teachs the class is a former FBI crime scene tech and he really very good about letting us use the diff digtal media devices in class ..
i have the standard 35mm digtal camera that use the standard s.d. card for storeing the pictures on the card along with all the lens and other goodies for takeing pictures in a hardshell case along with a extra 32.gb apple ipad with power cord and slip cover to use only for school work that keeped in the case with the camera plus it pre loaded with the camera manuls and textbooks on the CSI forensics photograhy ..
we do basic crime scenes reconstructions photos with diff people in the case doing the bodys prostions on the floor and in the house along with he plants things in the background shot and we are to pick it up or not ..
most of us use a apple ipad and a couple have the mac notebook units there for use in class for we take the pictures then go home and use the itunes account and load the photos into the ipad and come back to class room and talk about the pictures and what did we miss in the shot along with stuff he had planted in the shot and did we pick it up in the shot after viewing it on the ipad ..
he said the other day in class that the ipad is the perfect crime scene tool for a CSI photograher to use in there work in the field ..for he give this reason behind the statement the laptop is great for heavy duty work but in the field the ipad can not be beat in the area of long battie life and easly to use as it need and easly to carry around plotting out the photos grid with the new software applications comeing out in the future ..right now we are useing a basic note takeing applications but there is to be two new CSI applications here in a couple of months that was in the newletter that came out a few week ago from the software maker of police CSI software....
do think you see it in the future with the police and fire depts or other agencys out there ..
the person who teachs the class is a former FBI crime scene tech and he really very good about letting us use the diff digtal media devices in class ..
i have the standard 35mm digtal camera that use the standard s.d. card for storeing the pictures on the card along with all the lens and other goodies for takeing pictures in a hardshell case along with a extra 32.gb apple ipad with power cord and slip cover to use only for school work that keeped in the case with the camera plus it pre loaded with the camera manuls and textbooks on the CSI forensics photograhy ..
we do basic crime scenes reconstructions photos with diff people in the case doing the bodys prostions on the floor and in the house along with he plants things in the background shot and we are to pick it up or not ..
most of us use a apple ipad and a couple have the mac notebook units there for use in class for we take the pictures then go home and use the itunes account and load the photos into the ipad and come back to class room and talk about the pictures and what did we miss in the shot along with stuff he had planted in the shot and did we pick it up in the shot after viewing it on the ipad ..
he said the other day in class that the ipad is the perfect crime scene tool for a CSI photograher to use in there work in the field ..for he give this reason behind the statement the laptop is great for heavy duty work but in the field the ipad can not be beat in the area of long battie life and easly to use as it need and easly to carry around plotting out the photos grid with the new software applications comeing out in the future ..right now we are useing a basic note takeing applications but there is to be two new CSI applications here in a couple of months that was in the newletter that came out a few week ago from the software maker of police CSI software....
do think you see it in the future with the police and fire depts or other agencys out there ..