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useing your ipad as part of the home disaster kit


iPF Noob
i set up a 16gb Ipad in my bad weather bag along with a ironkey usb secured data unit also with the same thing as a back up to the unit ..basic i put all the info on the unit for my use after the event to give to the disaster team as need

-x-video of the home before with you going room to room with the video camera and tapeing everything in the room on each wall to show what was there ..

also tape everything outside the home is also video for showing the how the place looked before the event

-x-photos of the home before with you going room to room with a camera and takeing shots of each wall section in the room and all the items into the room ..

-x-list all the land and titles
-x-house and land deed for the land that you own if own outright ..
-x-mortage paperwork

personal items like the following items
-x-birth certificate
-x-dd214 for those in military
and anything else you can think of in a way of paperwork for you and each person in the family

then pack the unit into a slip case then pack into the unit along with power cord and screen cleaning cloth into the bag for travel
It may be better to put the info on two flash drives, use the iPad as normal, but make sure it is in a good position to grab in a hurry. During a disaster, the iPad may be a valuable tool, but it could have storage issues. One flash drive to be kept in the emergency kit, and one flash drive could be sent to a friend or relative across country. It also depends on what type of disasters you might expect to encounter. For example, more people around here anticipate how they deal with tornados, but a bigger threat is ice storms and high straight winds.
i basic set it up as basic use ..i do have the info on two other usb units .. one is in bank safetybox with my dd214 along with other papers .. the other is in a lawyer office that is a family friend for use also ..

plus is prepacked into the bag and it updated once a month as need but other times it stays in the bag with the cloths and other acess i will need
1password seems perfect for some of this. I have tons of my sensitive numbers, ids, insurance info. Etc. They have an iPad app that is gorgeous. Although I wish the Safari integration was closer.


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