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Cydia app questions....


iPF Noob
So I did it, I jail broke my iPad. I've been checking out Cydia and I have some questions.

1-any way to search via device so I only get apps that work with iPad?
2- when I go to an app, how do I know if it is iPad compatible?
3- please tell me there is a google chrome app......I'm not a safari fan. If not, are there any safari add-ons to make it function better?
4- this is my first experience with winter board and I've got no clue what to do with it. Again, how do I know if a theme is iPad compatible. Does it do anything else besides change icons and backgrounds?
5- is there a keyboard I can install that will give me more keys (particularly arrow up, down, over, keys)
One other thing I'm looking for:
6-some way to lock yourself into an application (so when I give my toddler an app or video to watch, he can't get out by pushing the home button)
For Cydia apps that'll work on the iPad, the best thing to do is to go here (a sticky post in this iPad Hacking forum): http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/25824-ultimate-list-jailbreak-tweaks.html. The people of this forum have compiled the list (with the awesome help of f478t0y!) and they all work on the iPad. Well, except for YourTube, which absolutely hates my iPad running 4.3.3... (crashes every time).

One good theme (the one I use ... that's why it's good :D) is BlueiPad V2. It's simply gorgeous! Ask if you want to see screen shots...

As far as keeping someone locked into an app - never heard of it. Heard of keeping them out, but not in. Sorry.

Congrats on your jailbreak. It gets easier each time and for sure, you have to get SBSettings, the lazy person's tool! :D

One other thing I'm looking for:
6-some way to lock yourself into an application (so when I give my toddler an app or video to watch, he can't get out by pushing the home button)

Did you ever find an answer to this question? Or do we simply have to wait till the kids outgrow this stage? I have the same problem with my grandchildren.
Use incarcerator to lock your chidren into apps. You can cusomize to what extent to lock them in! Ithink i spelleditwrong though. I forgot the spelling :P
I downloaded IncarcerApp from cydia. Best thing ever! My 14 month old likes pressing the home button along with locking it and unlocking it repeatedly.

The other problem i had was him activating some gestures when he had his hands all over the screen.

Now with incarcer I can put a movie to play and hand it to him with no worries.
For future reference for those who don't wish to JB, I believe there is going to be a feature worked into iOS 6 which allows you to lock into an app. Since the iPad has become such a key tool in the Autism community, Apple plans on integrating the lock in feature which is AWESOME!

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