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Cydia packages/apps compatible for iPad!

I can't for the life of me get circuitous working in 4.2. Anyone else having this problem? I even went so far as to restore & re-jailbreak and ONLY install circuitous and it still crashes. If I take all favorites off, the blank dock will work but that's hardly useful. I'm debating on going back to 3.2.1. I didn't realize how dependent I'd become on circuitous.
Sorry if this has been answered, (I wasn't sure what to search) but is there a fix for turning the mute switch back to the rotate lock?
hacking such an expensive piece of hardware seems a rather risky ontaking.

Well, if you take your time and pay close attention to what any instructions tell you to do, you won't have anything to worry about.

As for the Void of the warranty, if you download the right things from here and from the right people, you will be able to jailbreak and restore your ipad back to factory settings if needed, and apple or their numb-nuts techs wont be able to tell a thing.

I have been testing electronics for years, and NEVER bricked or screwed up any of them. just got to learn who the right players are what their software looks and acts like then test it when comfortable!

That's my rule!!! Happy testing!:)

Transferring without Itunes

Is there any cydia app that allows to transfer to/from Ipad without Itunes?
Using Ipad as a hdd?
So far using Mywi.

So what did you downloaded from cydia that is compatible with the ipad? I'll try to list some apps I tried that works/others tried and works

WARNING: DONT download apps that hasn't been updated/optimized for iPad yet or your iPad WILL go haywire and you'll have to restore!



- Backgrounder (turn on badges)
- Multiflow
- vlc4iphone
- ifile
- Rock.app
- afc2add
- isteamy
- snes4iphone
- activator
- BTstack
- Quake 3

NOT Compatible:

- Lockinfo
- Mobile terminal
- Pro switcher
- Nes4iphone
- Mquickdo

Working for some/not for others

- Veency
- OpenSSH
- SBSettings
Is there any cydia app that allows to transfer to/from Ipad without Itunes?
Using Ipad as a hdd?
So far using Mywi.

iFile is probably what you are looking for. It is a fully featured file manager and lots of people use it to manage their files without the need to be tethered to iTunes.

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