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Cydia packages/apps compatible for iPad!

what is the best videoplayer?
openstreamer does not have the native iPad resolution (yet?), maybe yxflash?
Thanks in advance!

I have had problems with getting the "white apple" after installing Backgrounder and power cycling the iPad. I have had to restore each time as I can't get past the "white apple". You mention performing a hard reset to resolve the issue. Could you elaborate?

Thanks for any advice,
i may have been wrong it might have been sbsettings that messed up my ipad not openssh

I can confirm that, I had to restore after a reboot made the screen look like an iphone...iphone lock screen and all...

you didnt have to restore, you just had to respring the springboard.

SBSettings used to cause this but it has been updated and should no longer causes this. Same goes with OpenSSH. I have them both on my ipad and no longer have to respring springboard after each reboot.
i may have been wrong it might have been sbsettings that messed up my ipad not openssh

I can confirm that, I had to restore after a reboot made the screen look like an iphone...iphone lock screen and all...

you didnt have to restore, you just had to respring the springboard.

SBSettings used to cause this but it has been updated and should no longer causes this. Same goes with OpenSSH. I have them both on my ipad and no longer have to respring springboard after each reboot.
thanks for the info!
I was trying to find out... Some of my favorite jb apps from my phone are intelliscreen, MIM do these work on the iPad?
Hey, first time jailbreaker here and I need so me help. I used jailbreakme.com and everything went fine. But now I've installed a few apps, but they don't seem to work.

For example, I installed openSSH. I read that Mobile Terminal doesn't work for changing the default pw, but that SBSsettings could be used to enable or disable SSH as needed. But I can't figure out how to access it. Swiping the status bar or the top left corner doesn't seem to do anything. So how do I access SBSsettings? Also, is there a way to change the default SSH password on the iPad?
OpenSSH is running in the background, there is no icon. You can use iSSH (payed App from the Appstore) and connect to and change the password there. Or connect from your PC and use the terminal.
SBsettings is good for looking for the IP of the iPad.
If you get the ipod look try respringing.

Short list of what I have installed (have most of these installed on iPhone also):
Bosspaper (works fine haven't figured out landscape mode yet)
browser changer
firewall IP (costs but worth it for security)
Pirni Pro (network sniffer , costs)
winterboard ( only way to fly)

misc unix - top,wget,curl,vim,tcpdump etc.
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OpenSSH is running in the background, there is no icon. You can use iSSH (payed App from the Appstore) and connect to and change the password there. Or connect from your PC and use the terminal.
SBsettings is good for looking for the IP of the iPad.

iSSH - this is what I used also, a little pricey ($9.99) but a really great app if you do a lot of admin work as I do. highly recommend.
I installed Fullforce and it is visible in extensions under Settings - I assume it is running in background but can't see that it is doing anything different or does it only change apps that are added after it is installed?
I installed Fullforce and it is visible in extensions under Settings - I assume it is running in background but can't see that it is doing anything different or does it only change apps that are added after it is installed?
Open Settings, look for Extensions and then FullForce. Pick the apps in the right column (iPad) you want to have it affect. Some work better than others, so if you don't like it, turn it off the same way.
I installed Fullforce and it is visible in extensions under Settings - I assume it is running in background but can't see that it is doing anything different or does it only change apps that are added after it is installed?
Open Settings, look for Extensions and then FullForce. Pick the apps in the right column (iPad) you want to have it affect. Some work better than others, so if you don't like it, turn it off the same way.

Thanks Jake - not sure how I missed that :confused: Anyway seems very buggy with the games I tried it with so won't be using it anyway

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